Chapter One: Part 9: Because Of A Rug

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Jamie's POV:

After a 15 minute car ride we made it to the furniture store, I didn't want to go and would've much preferred to stay with Noah at our house (it still feels weird to call it that)   But Flynn insisted that I come along.   With quite a bad excuse might I add, they were adamant that I had a better sense of 'style and fashion' though I knew it was only a ploy to get me to go with them, I agreed anyway.   With how quiet Flynn is you'd think they're introverted, but actually they really enjoy the company of others and often feel lonely without people around.  simple tasks like shopping, cleaning or cooking would take them forever without company, their explanation being 'having people around makes everything easier'  
Noah was the same, albeit more social.

"What do you think about this grey one?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Flynn who was looking at a bed frame.  "Do we really need one this big? I mean we managed just fine with the queen sized bed in the hotel"  they huffed, "do you recall Noah falling off 7 times?"    "Alright, you've got me there, but the rest of the room will have darker wood, so let's find something to match."    They pulled me by my waist and kissed my nose, then we continued through the maze of beds.

It's almost 7:30 pm and we've just picked out all the main furniture pieces for our bedroom, a bed, two dressers and night stands with a storage bench that matches. I was more than ready to go home and see Noah, but to my dismay we still needed bedsheets, pillows, a rug and blankets. (I still have no clue why they insisted on getting a rug) so, began our search in the blankets section.

Yet another hour passed and we only have the rug left to find, I was exhausted already but as per usual the werewolf dragging me along didn't seem tired at all.     I was looking through the hanging rugs when I heard it, the few words that made this tiring day even worse.

"Excuse me sir?"  The hairs on the back of my neck stood up the instant I heard him speak, "yes, can I help you?" I turned around to confirm my thoughts- the scene before me caused an immediate headache as fear clouded my vision, my cousin- Tyler had his full attention on Flynn, he looked nervous and was fidgeting with the sleeve of his shirt.     I didn't pay attention to what they were saying as I became lost in thought, what if he recognized me? I know for sure my aunt is homophobic and transphobic, I have no doubt she would raise them to be that way as well.. then it hit me. Them..  where's his twin? Anywhere Tyler went Thalia would be with him for sure, I looked around trying to spot her.   "-that's alright, babe what're you looking for?"
I was trying desperately not to panic when eyes settled on me. "Baby..?"Flynn walked over and put a hand on my arm- trying to get my attention, "what's wrong?" Still trying to keep my calm and not cause them another problem, I tried to say 'I'm fine' but unfortunately the prying gaze from Tyler rendered my attempts of composure pointless, as the only noise that escaped my mouth was a stuttered "I-I..."    "Jamie it's okay, would you like to sit down?"   My heart was beating so fast I felt like it would explode, I didn't register the arms picking me up as my vision grew blurry and ears started to ring..

Flynn's POV:

I followed the employee into the small back room, it was filled with empty boxes and a few discontinued items, not the cleanest place, but it was quiet and away from other shoppers, "Thank you ma'am"  she smiled at me as she left the room, I could finally put my full attention into helping Jamie calm down.

After moving a box; I sat down on a bench with Jamie in my lap, he was shaking and sobbing.   I did whatever I could think of to calm him down, getting him away from other people and noises, providing pressure so he doesn't feel like he's floating, trying to get him to breathe with me, constantly reassuring him that I wasn't going anywhere and he was safe, and making sure he didn't hurt himself.   Eventually his broken sobs and hyperventilating was reduced to shaking and sniffling, it was then the sound of wheels broke the somewhat silence- and I saw the boy from before pushing our shopping cart into the room, he was timid and shy with an overall sadness to him, normally my wolf would get angry and overprotective for someone coming near our Mate at a time like this, but his worried and almost scared expression- didn't make him out to be a threat.

"H-Hi sorry for intruding, I just thought to bring your cart in here so nobody takes anything from it."      "Thank you"    He gave a shaky smile before focusing his eyes on Jamie, my wolf growled lowly and I had to clear my throat to stop it from escaping, he wasn't happy about the newfound attention on our Mate.  maybe it was the damp air, or my murderous gaze, but he seemed to grow uncomfortable and looked away from Jamie- which I was thankful for. The room was quiet for a long while- aside from Jamie's occasional sniffles, then finally he let out a shaky breathe and looked back at us.

"Is he alright..?"  It took me a few seconds to respond as I was still trying to calm my wolf down, "yes, he'll be fine" I wrapped my arms tighter around Jamie as he began shaking more.     "Erm.. I know this is probably just me being delusional and all but..." I could hear his heartbeat speed up as he started fidgeting with his sleeve, "he reminds me of someone.."   now it was my turn to panic, Jamie knew him. That explained why he had an anxiety attack..

"Who does he remind you of?"  I was taking a risk by asking, but I figured maybe if i knew his view on Jamie and their relationship- he might be able to help.       "If you don't mind me asking"  "my cousin- June."   Jamie winced at hearing his dead name and hugged me tighter, I began rubbing his back softly, still trying to keep him calm.   "Oh, what happened between you two?"
He looked down and sighed.

"We were really close growing up, but a year before she left she closed off from us..."   he sniffled and crossed his arms.
"Do you know why?"   He shook his head, by this point I could see a few tears falling down his face.

Then Jamie did something that completely shocked me..

Hope You Enjoyed!

To Be Continued 🙃

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