Chapter one: Part 3: New House?

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Jamie's POV:

It's been a week since we first arrived to Oakerville. The house we originally gave on offer on was already bought, but today we're meeting our Relator to have a tour of a good potential house. Flynn has started working at the police station, Being the deputy has kept them busy as of late- so I took over being the main communication with our Relator.
Noah has been taking baby classes and meeting with a group of newly pregnant moms; something about getting involved in the community. (I'm skeptical about it)

Right now I'm on my way to the house we're meeting up at, I'm still to scared to take a bus so I'm walking. Besides I've never liked driving on snowy roads, wether I'm the passenger or not.

Soon a cream coloured suburban house came into view as I rounded a corner.   Making my way closer I spotted two blurry blobs standing in the driveway, my eyesight has never been the best so I couldn't recognize the two by just sight alone.  Now close enough to recognize the people I made my way over to Noah and our Relator.  We spoke for awhile waiting on Flynn to get here, to my surprise Noah already liked the house- I'd have to agree that the outside was in good condition- and seeing as it was an older house that was a good sign already.   Noah was getting impatient so we decided to walk around and see the backyard.   The house itself wasn't that big, but I think the yard made up for that fact, it was a fairly spacious section of the property- that backed up into a thicker forest which made up the 21 acres of 'unusable' land; one of the reasons the house was still on the market being all the 'unusable' forest space (seeing as in this neighborhood there's a rule about cutting down trees) and wild animals that seemed to love causing problems for the owners.  But when you have 2 werewolves for Fiancé's wild animals and extra forest space become less of an issue and more of a game.  Needless to say we weren't worried about that.

After Noah was satisfied with his snooping of the backyard we made our way to the front again, standing by the Relator's car to wait on Flynn.  After 5 minutes of talking Noah started acting weird, he glanced behind me, I went to question his weirdness when I felt myself being lifted from the ground as strong arms wrapped around me.  I squeaked in shock; flailing about after the loss of balance.   I heard a low chuckle beside my ear as Noah smiled knowingly.  Flynn kissed my cheek (obviously happy with them self) while I pouted from my losing in the game.


We were sitting on the bed Noah curled into a ball around my waist snuggling me contentedly.  I was starting to calm down from the stressful day when I got a call from my dad, that immediately sent me into panic as I decided wether or not to answer.  Before I could make up my mind the ringing stopped and I was left a hyperventilating mess, "Angel it's alright"  Noah said reassuringly while scratching my lower back; Flynn sat down beside me. "Breathe with me okay, deep breathes"   Eventually I calmed down, but I was still very tense.

"How about we play a game?"  Flynn smiled kissing my cheek while Noah sat up. "W-what kind of game?" They looked at Noah- who nodded in response; I've always loved playing games they knew me to well. "If you can manage to jump scare me in the next few days- you win, if I manage to jump scare you I win; simple right?" Flynn smirked. "You're forgetting my obvious disadvantage here, I'm not a wolf" Noah laughed, booping my nose. "I'll help you, this will be fun!"  I looked back to Flynn who was now wiggling in place with eyes flickering from green to yellow; their wolf obviously excited about the game, i inwardly smiled to myself, amused by the scary looking person having such a playful puppy like side. "Alright, you're on" Flynn growled playfully as more of their wolf surfaced, they wrapped me in a hug causing both of us to flop down onto the bed. These next few days are going to be interesting..

End Of Flashback:

I had no time to mourn the loss of our game as we went into the house.  It was two story with a small attic cubby (about the size of a medium walk in closet) upon opening the front door we were met with a grey room- namely the living room, and continuing down a small hallway beside the stairs it opens
up into the kitchen/dining room. Flynn was quite excited about the good sized kitchen- whereas Noah was more interested in the bigger windows overlooking the backyard and small screened in porch. To our left was a little pantry; beside that a door leading into the downstairs bathroom.
We walked back to the stairs making our way into the second floor.  On the second floor we were met with a more narrow hallway, the first door to the left being a small bedroom/office, the second on the right being another small bedroom, the third being a bathroom; and the final being the master bedroom and bathroom.  I wasn't to ecstatic about the closed off floor plan (to me it made the house seem a little cramped) but neither Flynn nor Noah minded- it wasn't that big of a deal after taking into account the other plus signs of the property. (Especially compared to the other houses we've looked at)

we made our way into the backyard once again; Noah decided he wanted to have a little venture into the forest section while Flynn spoke to the Relator, so of course off we went walking through spider webs and smacking mosquitos.  "Babe what're we looking for?"  He grinned, pushing a small tree branch aside to step past it. "I hear water somewhere" I listened closely for the aforementioned water but my human senses failed me once again. "I don't hear anything?" We kept walking for a little bit before I finally heard the elusive water, it was then Noah started pouting and paused. "Something wrong?" He huffed "Flynn says we need to go back now.." I chuckled at his annoyance; secretly thankful to get out of these bugs though.

We made our way back- in which Flynn quite obviously checked us both over for injuries, Noah got annoyed at their overprotectiveness and playfully flicked their nose, effectively making them back off with a huff.  We then headed back to the hotel.

The whole drive I was tense (again don't like driving on snowy roads) once we finally got back I was insanely carsick- to the point where I could hardly walk straight,  needless to say Flynn and Noah were worried.  Noah kept insisting we go to the doctors just Incase- while Flynn didn't take no for an answer and carried me into the hotel when I refused to see a doctor.  They set me up on the bed while Noah took a shower, then we watched a few episodes of some weird TV series- well Noah and Flynn watched it while I pretty much instantly passed out once we were all in the bed. 

"I think he might be getting worse.." Noah said while rubbing his fingers through my hair "I was hoping it was just me exaggerating, but I think you're right" Flynn got under the blanket with us and wrapped an arm around me pulling me closer while Noah got situated.  "Maybe we can convince him to see a doctor in the morning if he's still feeling sick" Noah huffed. "He's so stubborn, sometimes I wish he'd just let us help him"  Flynn looked at Noah with a smirk, "what?" He chuckled "says the one who gets annoyed when I worry about you" that resulted in Noah laying down completely, pulling me over to him- effectively thieving me from our Fiancé who rolled their eyes before laying down.   After that they both fell asleep.

I was awoken in the middle of the night by Noah shaking me "Angel? wake up baby, it's okay"  when I opened my eyes I could heart my heart beating in my ears as i was breathing rather fast. "Are you okay? Did you have a bad dream..?" I sniffled quietly and he pulled me into a hug, carting his fingers through my hair. "Would you like to talk about it?"  I shook my head, unable to remember my dream- and fairly certain that was a good thing as my nightmares got pretty.. graphic at times. though I fell back to sleep in his arms pretty fast, he was still worried about me, I couldn't really blame him as I'm not really the type to have nightmares. Even throughout this stressful move and the whole thing with my parents, I'd never had a nightmare until now; weird right..?

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