The Silly Librarian [IV]

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A body fell on the floor as two people went up to it, one seemingly angry as the person strode toward the other aggressively while the other tried to stop and ran faster to the other man, begging for the other man to be awake shaking him as worry started to rise.

As the scene unfolded, two boys were hiding inside a closet both were peaking into the thin lines that showcase the outside. They didn't know what was happening since all they knew was that their father told them to stay inside this closet as they'd be playing 'hide and seek' but why was it taking so long?

As time passed by and the fight kept ongoing, the other little boy grew impatient and started making noises to attract attention which he was lucky because the 3 adults outside couldn't hear him. When the other little boy heard the noises deliberately made, he covered the other's mouth in anger.

"Why are you doing that? they'll find us!"  the other boy asked while whispering while the other threw the hand on his mouth away speaking also in a whisper, "they're taking so long to find us! they made us hide here, why can't they find us?"

the other boy was astonished but quickly regained focus and frowned, "that's the point of the game, it may not be father who's trying to catch us you know! it may be mother or even brother!!"

"yeah that's what you think! they're just trying to waste our time!"

"they're not!"

"ah! who cares, Im going outside, this is annoying."

"ah, wait stop!-" but before he could stop him and grasp his arm from opening the closet door, the other boy had already opened the closet and busted out as he ran to father and mother  ready to childishly scold them but to his surprise as he arrived there, he saw father standing while two bodies there laying on the ground---


[Ho....! Hos....o..!!] a mechanic voice shouted out to an unconscious man laying on a bed.

A groan escaped the man's lips while getting up from his sleep, unbeknownst to him, another certain man was there sleeping, his head on the sheets seemingly had taken care of the other man.

"what?-" his voice cut short when he saw the other man sleeping, his eyes wide open and his hands stopped mid-air.

[(;'д`)ゞhost, you're finally awake! by the way, I'm so sorry-]

"shush, Khun...this man is sleeping." the man whispered while carefully moving his legs away from the sleeping man but to no avail, the other sleeping man was clutching the bedsheets that if he'd torn himself away, he'd move the bedsheet and the man.

[( *︾▽︾)host, only you can hear me, don't you remember?]


[by the way, Host! I'm back and well after the meeting, I just found out that a prisoner from our place escaped!! Σ(っ °Д °;)っ ]

'prisoner? you guys have prisoners?' Les thought carefully as he laid down again on the soft bed.

[ah, host have I not explained this to you? nonetheless! I'll explain as your cute systemヾ(≧▽≦*)o ] the system bounced around before going on top of Les' chest, nestling into the chest comfortably.

'mh.' Les nodded, a sign for the system to start talking again.

[as I said host, in our place or so-called city for systems, we have higher-ups- ah, we also have cities too you know! for systems, we also live perfectly fine like you humans, but usually, one by one, systems go on missions with their host! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧]

Les smiled gently as he gently rubbed the soft squishy ball while nodding, the bedsheet in the part of his legs started to wrinkle a bit as though someone was moving.

[o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ anyways~ like your life host, we also have a prison system and in the prison system, we contain past hosts that have violated our rules though we don't really know the specific reason why or what rule they violated, only the higher ups know.]

'and like what you said before, a prisoner had escaped?' Les thought as he looked at the system in confirmation.

[yes so now our city is in total chaos since that prisoner was a very strong host because that person had gone over almost 5 A-level worlds!! and finished them in no time. If the prisoner just hadn't gone against us then he could've been a good ally to us... (>人<;)]

'hm... any more things to tell me?' Len asked Khun.

[(′д` )...that's the reason why it took a long time to come back, host. They had to warn us a lot and even quarantined us to make sure we didn't have any errors in our own chip! That prisoner was very good at hacking chips of systems, a total of 6 systems had been a victim to it. ]

Les' eyes widened and felt bad for his little system smiling at it before hearing a rustle at the nearby part of his feet, his instincts told him to act asleep but it was too late when he saw the man stand up and look at him eye to eye.

"'re awake?" a rough voice asked as his eyes widened at the scene, soon enough his face showed relief as he walked up to hug the man who was laying down, kneeling down beside him while he softly held the other's hand massaging the fingers one by one.

" really..." the voice trailed off as the man's head hung down while still massaging the hand softly and Les could only be confused before remembering what had happened, what took place the night before, was it the night before still? how long was he asleep?

"how long?" Les finally spoke and looked curiously at the head hung down, his hand clenching the other hand that was massaging it, "how long was I asleep?"

The head that was hung down looked up and smiled with a tinge of sorrow, "2 days. It may be because of fatigue after all you work too much, that's what your sister said."

Les' eyes widen at the news and his hand unclenched. His view went to the ceiling. Had it really been that long? His memories...he's starting to remember it again, damnit.

He promised himself he wouldn't bother trying to remember any memories, just live life freely.

His eyes contained sorrow and a tinge of anger which the other man saw leading to Les' hand being massaged again softly and gently but this time Les was pulled to the left side of his bed, face to face with the other.

"Damian?..." Les asked with worry as he saw Damian's face filled with guilt and confusion, his brows furrowed still looking at Les.

"Why are you?-" before Les could finish he was held into a tight embrace, "I'm so sorry. I know it's my fault, your sister, and my fault, we had brought you to a place you weren't comfortable with and we're sorry for it, please, please forgive us..."




1. Help the Librarian's life become better - 45% (125 revival points)

2. Prevent the 2nd Female Lead from Disappearing - 2% (125 revival points)

Total R.P earned: 250 ]]




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