I'm not Explosive!

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Hiya guys! I'm not going to work today since my lovely sister gave me a cold, but at least that gives me the time to write you a new chapter! 

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♥️ Happy reading! ♥️

"Rebekah, there's something that I have to tell you" I turned to look at her, noticing that she already sat back at the bar. She frowned, wondering what I could give her. "What?"

"Your necklace..." squinting her eyes she looked at me, getting pissed, before she could say or do anything, I continued "Before you try to attack me once again, the necklace was with the doppelganger. I knew it was yours so I saved it."

"Where is it then?" Rebekah was impatient to get her necklace back that much was very clear, but she stayed seated. I smiled apologetically "I wasn't sure when I would get to meet you, so I left it in a safe place in my home."

Breathing out dramatically, Rebekah finally spoke "Well, I guess anywhere is better than with the doppelganger" I chuckled at her words, happy to know that I won't be the only one annoyed by Elena in the future.

"What about Nik though? He needs the necklace for Gloria to contact our mother" she looked at me worriedly while I just leaned on the chair, tired out of my mind. "Right...about that, I already talked with Nik and I told him how to make hybrids. He just wants to create an infinite number of hybrids. It's ridiculous. Let me worry about that." Rebekah kept on watching me, assessing my words and whether she should even listen to me.

"For someone who knows so much about my brother you seem to forget how seriously Nik punishes betrayal of any kind. His paranoid mind would certainly see this as a betrayal." Nodding I decided to try once more to convince her to listen to me.

"I haven't forgotten, believe me, I'll tell him everything after we meet with Gloria, okay? If I don't then feel free to tell him yourself that I have the necklace." I shrugged not even caring if he found out, I only cared about the timing. 

Reluctantly she nodded "Okay, but if this goes badly then I'm going to blame it all on you" I chuckled and nodded looking at her serious expression. We started talking about everything that changed in the last 100 years and relaxed, forgetting for a moment that we were two supernatural creatures with a million problems.

Sometime later Nik walked in heading for the bar where we were still seated. He looked at me apologetically with a small smile but I ignored his presence and focused on swirling the ice around my glass. It was certainly more interesting than looking at Nik. Rebekah looked between us worriedly. It's not like I'm going to explode, okay?! Sure, I lost control not too long ago, but I'm perfectly fine. Really the only person that I would make explode would be Nik, so no harm done, right? 

"Where were you?" Rebekah asked uninterested, paying attention to the color of my eyes rather than her brother. I ignored her intense look still focused on the ice that was quickly melting, while I listened to their conversation. 

"Out and about. Where is Gloria?" Nik asked while looking around the bar searching for her.
Call and she shall appear. "I heard someone mention my name" Gloria came out of some room in the back of the bar. Has she been able to hear everything Rebekah and I talked about? I really hope not. She looked me over with the same interest as she did the first time we met, except this time her eyes looked between Nik and me. Once again my magic was on high alert due to my distrust of the witch in front of me. 

The Bennett Siphoner - N.M., K.M., K.P.Where stories live. Discover now