Stupidity That Knows No Bounds

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Hiya! So, here's the new chapter, I'll try to update every day, but I can't promise anything. The next chapter will probably be the Sacrifice, which means that Niklaus and Luna will finally meet in person!  

I love reading your feedback so let me know what you think about this chapter and vote if you like it!

BTW do you prefer reading longer or shorter chapters? I can split the longer chapters into two parts if you prefer that.

♥️ Happy reading!  ♥️

I woke up next to Tyler, content. Everything was falling into place the way it should be. I decided to talk with Damon today regarding the sacrifice, but first I needed to get some breakfast and a shower. Jumping into Tyler's bathroom I went in for a long-needed hot shower. My muscles immediately relaxed under the hot water and I just leaned on the wall, feeling the cold tiles on my skin. While the burning water heated up my body, the tiles cooled me down, it was a strange feeling but I enjoyed it.

Getting lost in my thoughts, I couldn't help but think about my triggered werewolf curse. It wasn't like I could stop thinking about it even if I wanted to, the constant feeling of magic in my body was enough of a reminder. Although the angry outbursts were a great addition to it. I knew I could control it if I tried, but I didn't want to. As someone that is always in control, it felt strange to just let it go and speak my mind without filter. I've spent enough time hiding my opinion. 

The other thought that preoccupied my mind was my biological father. Who was he? Did he know about me? Where was he? Why did I never meet him? Is he even alive? 

Question after question swarmed my mind but I had no answers. Not yet at least.

I couldn't believe how complicated my life became in just a matter of a few days. It was nothing I couldn't manage, but it wasn't fun, that's for sure. One thing was certain, it would only get more complicated with the arrival of the Original family.

I got out of the shower and after getting dressed, I headed to the kitchen, immediately making coffee. Hearing groaning from the living room I couldn't help but chuckle. "It's not funny" came Tyler's voice from the living room. I walked in and saw him covering his head with a pillow, still groaning. "Oh, come on, you have to admit, it's a bit funny"

He grunted and got off the couch "I'm glad my pain amuses you"

I grinned "It sure does. Coffee?"

He just nodded "Definitely."

"Oh don't be such a baby, your headache will be gone in a few minutes. You have outdone yourself last night."

"You can't blame me, I will be breaking all of my bones and turning into a wolf in less than two days." He looked like a child at that moment, reminding me of Niklaus' childish side, were all men so childish? Forget I asked, they definitely are, well most of them at least. 

"Oh my god, I am so sorry! I can't even imagine what you must be going through! Oh...wait, I do!" If he's using that excuse at least he should use it on someone that would feel sorry for him. If I didn't feel sorry for myself, why did he think I would feel sorry for him? Sometimes he forgets who he's talking with. Sure, it wouldn't be fun to turn every full moon, it was quite an inconvenience but things could always be worse. 

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