Reborn as a Bennett

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Seraphina was an older sister, but she was also many other things. Some things she wasn't even aware of, but she will be in due time. She was someone that wasn't even supposed to exist, for more than one reason. 

The first reason is the fact that she was reincarnated and thrown into a world she believed only to exist in the form of a TV show. It was an alternative universe that the show was based on. That seemed like the logical assumption. Now, how someone found out about it or thought of it she didn't know. The quote "Everything you can imagine is real." by Pablo Picasso, certainly crossed her mind at that moment.  

The second reason was that she too was a supernatural being, just like her sister, her mother, her grandmother, and many before them. One part of her was excited about it and it was certainly the bigger part, but she was also worried for her family. The family where almost every member has died at some point. She subdued her worry by promising herself to focus on protecting them to the best of her abilities.

There were those that believed that everyone that was different was a disgrace, an atrocity, or their personal favorite an abomination. But luckily Seraphina didn't give two shits about those people, people whose opinion she actually valued didn't see her as anything other than as their friend and family.

Little Seraphina was born on a full moon, on March 18th, 1992. The moment Seraphina opened her curious hazel eyes she scanned her surroundings. At first, everything was too bright, everything hurt, but when the pain was subdued and she could see clearly her eyes landed on the woman that gave birth to her.

Seraphina P.O.V.

Taking in my first breath, I could feel my lungs burn, and damn it hurt. I couldn't stop the cry that came out, like a wailing woman, or a wailing baby in this case. It took me a few minutes but I finally calmed down, my lungs still ached but it was somewhat bearable.

Taking in my surroundings I finally realized what was happening. I was...a baby? I couldn't let myself dwell on the fact that I was reborn, not right now at least. That will surely take a long time to come to terms with. It wasn't that I didn't believe in reincarnation, it was more so the fact that I remembered my previous life. Previous life in which I left my loving parent... 

Focusing on the situation at hand my eyes landed on the woman that has just taken me in her arms. That's when I realized that she was my mother. For some reason she looked very familiar to me, I just couldn't determine why.

She was a beautiful woman, but exhaustion was evident in her eyes. She was doing her best to keep her eyes open, her worn-out state was completely understandable,  she did just give birth to me.

"What are you going to name her?" I heard another voice ask, when I looked at the older woman I just stared at her. She looked so much like Sheila Bennett it was uncanny.

"I'm going to name her Seraphina Luna Bennett," she announced while smiling at me.

If I wasn't certain that I died I would have thought this was nothing more than a dream. I just gawked at two women. Abby Bennett was my mother and Sheila was my grandmother...No wonder I thought they looked familiar.


Wordcount: 590

The Bennett Siphoner - N.M., K.M., K.P.Where stories live. Discover now