A Little Bet Never Hurt Nobody

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Okay, guys can we first acknowledge Raven Lyn Corneil's beauty? She's a literal goddess! 

Anyhow, getting back on track. Here's a new chapter for all of you eager readers!

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♥️ Happy reading! ♥️


"Well, that sure was something, darling" Kol's amused voice reminded me that, yes, he was still very present, and if he had a choice he still wouldn't go anywhere.

"Kol, there's a whole world out there, so why are you stuck to me like glue?" I finally looked at him, his eyes filled with mischief looking me up and down suggestively. "I've seen the whole world but you, I've never seen before" 

I ignored his flirting and looked at him deadpan "Right...and the real reason?"

He shrugged carelessly "Well, it seems that this is as far as I can go. I really am glued to you" 

I groaned not even knowing how else to react to this predicament. "First of all no. Second of all no, no, and no. I just wanted was a Mikaelson-free evening! Not only did I not get that, but now I have a Mikaelson glued to my side at all times!"

"Don't worry, darling, I don't mind it" he smirked and I shook my head grunting "I'm sure you don't mind, but I do! I know you Mikaelson men think you're a god-given gift but who said I wanted you?"

"You didn't have to say anything, I can see it in your eyes, but don't worry I'll keep that between us, darling." he winked and I looked at him bewildered. He must have lost his mind after spending all those centuries daggered.

"There's no secret to keep! There's nothing going on here!" I yelled frustrated by his ego.

"Sure there isn't. Although..." he trailed off and I looked at him suspiciously "Although what Kol?"

"Well, I highly doubt your cuddle buddy would agree with you" he smirked watching my reaction, but I had none to give, internally I was blushing but I pushed it off. I just sighed giving up. I would have more luck talking to a wall. 

When there was finally silence and I decided to watch something on TV, someone had to knock on the door. Begrudgingly I opened it after I smelled whisky, death, and woods, Niklaus' signature scent.  

Opening it I was met with Nik's smiling face which I would more describe as a half-smile half-smirk. I greeted him with my best resting bitch face "What, Niklaus?"

I could hear Kol chuckling in the background but as expected I ignored it "Well, Luna, I came to see how you were doing." his eyes scanned my face, focusing on my eyes in the end, he was searching for something I just didn't know what.

"I'm fine, what do you need?" better to ask him directly and get back to relaxing, instead of dragging it on. Knowing him, he certainly didn't come here just to ask how I was feeling. 

The Bennett Siphoner - N.M., K.M., K.P.Where stories live. Discover now