Exhaustion and Visitors

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Hiya guys! The chapters that I write in the next few days are my present to all of you for New Year so I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed writing them!

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♥️ Happy reading! ♥️

Every step away from Nik felt like a mile but I still continued ahead without turning around. I no longer knew how to feel, what to feel, everything that has happened in the past few months has left my mind in a daze. How are Nik and I connected all of a sudden? Why is he lying to me? And how the hell hadn't I figured it out earlier? I have been seeing him in my dreams, I literally astral projected while I was sleeping, that should have been a sign to look into it. What about Kol then? How was he showing up if he was daggered?

Shaking away all the questions to which I had no answer, I walked inside my suite in a hotel, ready to pass out before I even reached the bed. I was too tired to do anything, but my mind was wide awake. Looking around the room, I headed to the bar, pouring a glass of white wine. Maybe that will be able to silence my thoughts and let me fall asleep tonight.

I sat on the couch and closed my eyes, for once cursing the silence that surrounded me. With a heavy sigh, I stared at the ceiling focusing on the white surface, focusing on anything other than the person that plagued my mind this wretched night. 

"Judging by the way you're staring at that poor ceiling your life has gone to shit without me, darling." Kol's soothing voice reached my ears and destroyed the silence that has been torturing me since I walked inside the suite. Immediately I turned to look around the room and found him sitting next to me. Not even thinking I grinned seeing him smirking at me. His mere presence made my sour mood turn for the better. I shook my head not able to stop grinning "You have no idea how right that statement is"

"What happened, darling?" He smiled softly looking at me worriedly. A look I never thought I would see directed at me. I sighed looking at the wine-filled glass, not wanting to see the troublesome look on his face. 

"Nothing and everything. I don't know really. I'm probably overreacting, don't worry about it." I rushed through some kind of explanation and asked excitedly "What have you been up to?" I preferred teasing him over talking about current events, but Kol just rose an eyebrow while looking at me unimpressed. "Hilarious. Are you going to tell me what happened or what?"

"It's nothing Kol, just Nik getting on my nerves, what else is new?" I muttered looking away from him, I didn't want to see his reaction to my words. Despite what I wanted, he kept starring at me and I finally looked back at him only to see him frowning "What are you talking about? You never let him get on your nerves, it's usually the other way around, so spit it out already. What did my brother do?"

I rolled my eyes not wanting to get into it but I had no other choice. Judging by the worry that was evident in his eyes he wasn't going to stop interrogating me any time soon "The usual Nik talk, I'm sure you know it by heart by now, accusations of betrayal and whatnot"

"Why would he accuse you of betrayal?" he frowned confused by my words. I sighed thinking the same thing, but it was Nik, why would his accusations surprise either one of us? I guess I just didn't expect to be on the receiving side of his paranoia. 

The Bennett Siphoner - N.M., K.M., K.P.Where stories live. Discover now