Difference of Opinion

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Once I got home I immediately landed on the couch, trying not to think about the conversation I just had with Elena. A few minutes later Bonnie walked in looking me over with a smile on her face. She got used to finding me sprawled out over the couch, a long time ago.

"Hey Sera, where were you?" Bonnie asked excited to hear about my day and I smiled once I saw her.

"I was talking with Elena, god that was tiring. I swear to God Bonnie, that girl is so dense sometimes. It's like talking to a wall." I muttered, feeling mentally exhausted. 

Bonnie frowned once she heard my words "She's not that bad Seraphina... Her life wasn't the easiest. She lost her parents and then she was thrust into the supernatural world" 

I loved my sister to death, but I wondered how and why she always found an excuse for Elena's behavior and actions. Out of all people that we hung out with, I was closest to Tyler, and yet instead of justifying his actions, I was always the first one to point out whenever he acted like a prick. It was my duty as his best friend. 

I just grunted after hearing her words "Bonnie, she didn't live in poverty, she wasn't abused her whole life. She lost her parents. I understand that it must be hard for her, believe me, I get that. I empathize with her and what she went through, but she wasn't thrust into this world, she chose to associate with vampires that brought their baggage into her life. We've all gone through hard times in our lives. Jeremy has been neglected his whole life and then he lost his parents. Everyone seems to forget that Elena isn't the only one that lost them."

Bonnie listened to my words frowning, but I just continued talking.  "Tyler's father ABUSED him his whole life while his mother did nothing. Just imagine the shame it would have brought if anyone found out that the mayor was abusing his own son! Carol cared more about her public image than her son's wellbeing. He certainly didn't have the easiest life." I muttered aggravated just by the thought of it. 

"We lost our mother, might as well have lost Rudy too. He was barely present because he was allergic to magic and us being witches. I don't consider Rudy my father, not because he's not my father biologically, but because he was never there. After Abby left, when we needed him the most, he wasn't there. We were all thrust into this world, Bonnie."

She looked astounded by my outburst. I had no intentions of putting Elena onto some sort of pedestal just because she acted like an innocent little girl. Before Bonnie could say anything else I went to my room and locked the door. 

If I stayed and listened to Bonnie's justifications, we would have had an even bigger fight and I neither had the energy nor was I in the mood for it. I just hoped she actually paid attention to what I said. I know that if she actually stops to think about my words, she'll understand where I'm coming from. 

I collapsed on my bed and somehow managed to fall asleep despite the turmoil that I felt. Here I was, trying to sleep and forget about all the stress that I felt throughout the day, and yet I ended up in front of Nik who mind you thought he had the right to yell at me for being late. Being late.

"Finally! Where have you been?" he asked pissed off or as I like to call it throwing a hissy fit. If I was in a better mood, I would have actually found it entertaining, but unfortunately, I'm not.

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