Chapter 20 : A Different Date

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You feel guilty awakening in the morning with the naked body of Wanda strung against you, after having Natasha's being in an almost mirror position just a day ago. Even more so now that you'd have to face her in class and act as if things had been 'called off.' However, as Wanda pulled you closer, peppering your face with kisses immediately, you felt your guilt melting and your hand squeezing hers gently.

Class is terrible.
Natasha eyes you the entirety of the lesson, some loving, assuring but some are darts, warnings almost. Carol had given up her seat and allowed Wanda to slide in next to you. During partnered discussion, you got a little lost in the lesson and the peer work had suddenly becoming flirting. You giggled at her jokes, your cheeks turning red when her arm brushed yours. Natasha looked sick with jealousy, twiddling her pen as she could only merely observe from behind her desk. She dismisses class early and doesn't call for you to stay behind. In fact, she barely looks at you as you leave. Therefore, you find no reason or excuse to stay - much to your disappointment.

You arrive back at your flat, alone, as yourself and Wanda separate from one another for the time being. You realise, this is the only true and extended alone time you've had in quite a few days. Your mind needed peace and quiet from...everything. You lay down for what seems like a minute, but when you finally rise the sun has completely set and you've still not changed out of today's outfit.

You roll over, lifting your phone and sifting through messages. Still none from Natasha. You send her a short, but sincere goodnight text upon noticing the time and ready yourself for bed. You're not sure why she's ignoring you, yet you don't want to ponder on it. You trust her and you hope she trusts you. After all, she asked you for this.

You lay in bed, ready to sleep and responding to the last of your messages for the night. Just as you're setting a morning alarm, you receive a text from Maria.
Maria - Hey, Y/N. I know this already seems like a late night booty-call but, I'd like to take you on a date. Now that you're truly single I wanna do this the right way. Let me know if you're free tomorrow night. M :)
You comprehend the contents of the message, unsure how you'd even found yourself in this position. You're in a secret 'relationship' (could you even call it that?) with your professor. Not one, but two of your best friends are actively trying to date you. And you're also failing your classes.

You set your alarm and phone down, leaving your reply to Maria blank - completely at your wit's end about what to do.

You wake in the morning around a half over before your alarm, completely up and alert. You were stressing about the day ahead. You slid out of bed and used the extra time to do yourself up, taking your time on your hair and outfit for once.
You make your way to class a little earlier than usual, hoping to catch some time to speak to Natasha, and to avoid Maria. You walk the quiet halls, arriving at the lecture theatre around 20 minutes early. You peer inside, hoping to see Natasha at her desk, but your eyes are met with her's - stood in the centre of the room speaking to Mr. Rogers.

She excuses herself and shows him to the door, as he walks out you can't help but stare at him. You assume there's a less than amused look upon your face as he stares back with an unclear expression on his face. You slip past him as Natasha leans forward and speaks to him at the door. They hug briefly before she sends him away.

As she turns, she immediately notices your sour expression. She chews her cheek and waits for you to speak.
"Why're you even speaking to him."
"You know why."
You sigh, hanging your head in defeat. She lets the silence in the air hang for a moment before questioning you.
"You're here early?"
"Mhm, I wanted to ask you about something."
She seemed apprehensive.
"Go on."
"Maria asked me on a date."
Immediately, she diverted her attention as if she were avoiding what you'd said. She was shuffling through files and unpacking her things. She hadn't even replied to what you'd said. You cleared your throat before speaking, afraid of her mood.
"What do you think I should do?"
She gazed up at you, her look unreadable.
"Go on the date. We spoke about this the other day, Y/N."
"I just thought I'd ask first incase-"
"I don't want to know the details." She cut you off, her tone becoming blunt and harsh. You felt as if you could never truly please her.

The topic moved forward and after some awkward chatter, students began filing into class. You stood up from your slouched position on the desk and took your seat, waiting patiently for the arrival of your friends.
They sauntered in together, only a couple minutes before class was meant to start. Maria caught your eye and cut in front of Carol to occupy her seat.
"Did you see my text?"
You nodded, finding it difficult to look at her. Maria didn't continue speaking, coughing uncomfortably and toying with her pen.
"Was it tonight you wanted to go out?"
She hummed a yes.

"When and where should I see you then?"
Maria turned her head, grinning at you - a little red in the face. You smiled back at her, turning to face the front of the room where Natasha caught your eye. She stayed there for a moment before turning to start the class, her face grey with envy.

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