Chapter 14 : Pouring Rain

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You felt the rush of fresher's week inebriate your senses all over again as you glued yourself to Wanda's side in a similar manner as you always had. This growing tradition seemed to patch any outstanding awkwardness between you, and you were finally able to return to the way things were. You hopped onto a bus, trusting Carol, the most sober but still extremely intoxicated, member of your friend group to buy the tickets. However, in what seemed a streak of luck, the driver let your group on for free - which in hindsight was, quite creepy.

You stared out the passenger window, Wanda curled up next to you giggling quietly at any old passing joke in conversation in an overly drunken state. To be perfectly honest, you were in the same sorry state as Wanda, but your mind was elsewhere.

You stepped off the bus, at least a 20-25 minute drive from your flat now, making your way to a gay club just a couple minutes down the street. You were grateful it wasn't raining, even though the forecast had it set in that it would. If it had, you're sure your dress would've left little to the imagination if it's sheer silk material had gotten any bit damp. The bouncer's barely checked your ID, one of them even joking that if you didn't find someone to take you home tonight - she would.

"See? It'll be easy to find someone who wants a night alone with you, Y/N." Carol practically yelled into your ear. Downstairs, Wanda was the one to buy you a drink. Immediately, Carol and Maria were dragged away by some good looking girl who wanted a body to lie next to for the night. You couldn't blame them - both your friends were exceptionally good looking, however you'd be lying if you said that you weren't bothered by the sight of Maria running her palms up the sides of another girl. You sat with Wanda at the bar before quietly making your way over to an empty booth, hand in hand with her. You were already having trouble keeping your vision sharp, and Wanda's words were practically rolling off her tongue. You didn't need another drink, nor did she, yet you both finished off the remainders of one anyways.

Wanda slid in next to you, and the way she did so reminded you dangerously of Miss Romanoff. Even her ginger hair in the strobing lights looked just like her. Her green eyes, the way she traced her fingers slowly up your thigh. So many similarities brought about so much infuriating arousal. To be honest, you didn't even know if Wanda liked girls and you were slightly put off kissing another member of your friend group in fear of more impending awkwardness.

However, you caught Maria's eye from across the room and Wanda's hand danced dangerously close to places it shouldn't be. Maria was pulling out of a kiss, her hands gripping the girls waist as she stared you down.
You pulled Wanda on top of you as her hands lifted the material of your dress, hitching it at an inappropriate length up your thighs. You pulled her down into your lips, kissing her sloppily as the alcohol melted between you. She gripped your jaw, kissing you as if she'd waited to do this for a while.

The interaction hadn't lasted long until Maria practically dragged Wanda from you. Instantly they were shouting at one another, both seething and Wanda practically moments from striking her.
You scanned the room for Carol, walking every corner to find her because you knew she'd know what to do.
Eventually the night and alcohol was overriding your better judgement and you left the club in a sorry state, tears staining your cheeks with a ruffled dress and bloodshot eyes. You wandered the streets, alone, the rain beginning as you began to realise you were truly lost.

You took shelter in a bus stop, already soaked, checking the schedule and realising that there would be no way you could hitch public transport home at this hour - nothing was running. You were also penniless, Wanda was in charge of tonight's taxi. You truly couldn't think of anyone else to call.

Your phone lights up from your hand, a couple messages from Miss Romanoff checking in on you, asking if you're okay. You lift the phone to your ear, it only ringing for a moment before she picks up. You speak to her sloppily, wearily explaining your situation. She cuts you off midway to ask which street you're on, which you struggle to pronounce, but it seems she comprehends it as she tells you she's on her way.

Perhaps it was your overly drunken state, but it seemed only minutes after you hung up the phone that Miss Romanoff arrived to your rescue. She parked on the curb in front of the bus lane and ran out to collect you, instantly wrapping you in warm jacket of hers.

She nodded occasionally the entirety of the journey back to her's as her reply to you, merely listening as you slurred and babbled every detail (or every detail you could remember) of the night.
"Will your friends get home okay?"
She helped you from the passenger seat after pulling into her drive, the weather still continuing to layer against your already wet clothes.
"I'll check in a minute."

She propped you down on the couch, leaving you alone for a moment as she locked up. Your phone buzzed with a text from Carol, letting you know everyone was home safe, though she had to get two separate taxi's for Wanda and Maria. You open the groupchat and compose an intoxicated message.
- Guys, I really don't want to fight. Can we talk about this in the morning? I love you both so much.

You'd been left on read by them all.

You shed a couple tears as Natasha returned to you, wrapping a warm towel round your shoulders and wiping your cheeks.
"Forget everything for now. You're here with me."
You felt immediately comforted by her hands against you again, as you leant forward, resting your forehead on hers - your noses barely touching.
"I'm hearing from you a lot sooner than I'd expected, Y/N."
You laughed, pressing your lips to hers for a moment. She lingered in the position before pulling away. You immediately understood why.
"I'm sorry, I'm drunk. I understand why you can't do this."
She smiled, lifting the towel and scrubbing it against your hair.
"Let's get you some water first, then we'll talk about doing things."

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