Chapter 17 : You'll Be Cheating With Me

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You woke the following morning encased in Natasha's arms, completely unclothed with only the bedsheets left to gift you dignity. You shuffled upward, laying in the crook of Natasha's neck as she pulled you in tighter, stirring awake as you kissed her skin.
You ran through the events of last night in your head, somewhat hazy memories all leading to tears outside in the rain and a drunken phone call to your professor. Somewhere in the timeline, you vaguely remember kissing Wanda, which you suppose you'll need to tackle later.

Natasha pecked your forehead, before sitting forward, wrapping her side of the blanket round her front - an intent look across her face.
"Sounds like someone's pulling into the drive?"
You lay next to her, still, as you both listened to the rumble of tires up Natasha's driveway and the sound of a car drawing to a halt. She shot out of bed and slung on whatever garments were strung across the floor, wrapping her hair into a messy up-do.
She rushed downstairs without a word as you got up and dressed, unfortunately back into last night's slightly damp dress. The clothing situation was quickly becoming ritual.

You heard the door open as a set of footsteps stormed in, followed by infuriated yelling from a voice you weren't pleased to hear.
"Steve, I don't have time for this right now. I have places to be."
"It's a fucking Sunday. Don't bullshit me, Tasha. I'm sick of your lies."
The yelling was muted a little as you heard Natasha close the door to the lounge. You snuck out onto the landing, perched at the top of the stairs to get a more clear idea of the argument as it continued.
"You left my place in quite the hurry last night, Tasha, with no explanation either. At first, I was just coming round to drop off the things you'd left, but I want answers!"
Natasha's voice was quiet. Her sentences were barely in ear shot and you were able to decipher very little of the words you were able to hear.
"I don't fucking care Natasha! Can I just put your shit upstairs and I'll be on my way."

Fuck. Slowly, you crept towards the spare room, but stopped just outside it's door as there was no sound of footsteps approaching up the stairs and Mr. Roger's shouting had resumed.
"What d'you mean I can't go upstairs?"
You heard a loud slam echo from downstairs, followed by a suspicious silence. You shut your eyes and focused on controlled breaths, starting to fear the scene downstairs.
"Whoever is up there, I don't wanna know. Cut that shit off, Tasha, or things will change."
Suddenly the door was swung open, Mr. Roger's voice now ringing through much louder than moments ago.
"D'you hear me? Whoever's up there, stay away from Natasha!"

After what felt like hours curled up outside the door of the spare room, Natasha had finally returned upstairs and was now by your side. You heard Mr. Roger's car roll down the driveway, the hum of the engine disappearing into silence. Natasha helped you off the floor, pulling you into her side immediately.
"What was that huge banging noise?" You pondered.
"Nothing, sweetheart. Not to worry."

You wrapped your arms round her tighter than before, causing her to wince. She attempted to play it off, but you'd noticed it undoubtedly.
You turned her, lifting her shirt - which she allowed. Her back, where her spine ran, was red, inflamed and a little swollen.
"What...where did this come from?"
"He pushed me into the door when I said he couldn't come upstairs, that's all."
"That's all...Natasha, this looks sore. Let me help you I'll go-"
"No, Y/N." She grabbed your wrist, pulling her shirt back to it's original position with her opposing hand. She looked down, biting her inner cheek as usual.

You took her hand from your wrist, holding it in your own as you gently lent in to kiss her cheek. She warmed to the motion, softening a little as you led her to the bathroom. Once again, lifting her shirt, you helped it up and over her head - holding her face as the garment fell to your feet. She sat on the surface next to the sink, having slid her cosmetics out the way. You ran a small face towel beneath the cold tap, letting it dampen before ringing it out slightly and finding position between Natasha's legs. You stepped inward, her knees clasping round your waist as you watched the positioning of your hands in the mirror behind her. You dabbed the towel gently, running down the length of her spine as she sucked in deeply, resting her forehead against your shoulder.
"He shouldn't get away with this, Nat."
There was a short silence as she composed her breath, screwing her face as you ran another line with the towel down her back.
"But he will, okay. I don't want you telling anyone about this or being pissy if you see him. Promise me."
Your lips remained sealed. It'd be extensively difficult not to be pissy if you did run into him. Also, he completely ruined your prospect of using 'Tasha' as a nickname.
"Half promise."
She giggled, the pink tint and sting to her back significantly decreasing with the cool water.
"I'll take that."
"Well, it's the best you're getting...Tasha."
You mocked his tone, perhaps in a little immature manner - you had to let it out.

After re-dressing and returning to a somewhat normal day, it seemed as if evening was already drawing in and you still hadn't made any sort of amends with your friends. You were readying to leave, Natasha following you into the porch after clearing away a devoured takeout that you'd ordered on the couch while watching her favourite show.
"I've been thinking, Y/N..." she spoke as you slid on your shoes and confirmed a taxi.
"...maybe you should get a girlfriend."
You stood, a deeply confused but also concerned look plastering your face.
"Or boyfriend?" she continued.
"I don't swing that way, Natasha." You giggled mid sentence as you noticed a grin forming on her face.
"Tried it in high school. Not my thing."
Silence resumed as Natasha scraped her brain to find the words. You were getting deja vu from your first time here.
"Listen, Y/N. We need to cover up what we're doing somehow because the last thing I wanna do is give this up."
You nodded, not much reply coming to mind.
"So, please. Consider dating someone else."
You leant in, touching your lips to hers and trying to be okay with whatever would ease her nerves.
"So, I'd be cheating with you, huh?"
"Yeah, you'd be cheating with me."

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