Chapter 4 : After Class

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You were completely enthralled by her. The distraction she played during class was nothing short of detrimental for your concentration, yet somewhat brilliant for your work ethic. Sometimes, during lectures, when the rest of the class were taking notes, Miss Romanoff would share a fleeting glance with you. Both of you would look down or away, too afraid to find the other staring back if you were to look up again. You wondered if she ever thought about that night. If she even thought about you, at all. You also pondered her age.

However, no matter how much extra curricular work you did to help improve your knowledge of her class, you found yourself struggling to keep up in every lecture.
"I mean, I don't find it super hard, if I'm honest."
"Then that's good for you, Wanda. I swear every time I start understanding something, she introduces a new concept and I'm fucking stuck again."

You shut you laptop over, officially giving up for the night on trying to understand the material for the next class.
Maria walked over to you, having packed her things up to leave for the night. She strung her arms round your shoulders and cuddled you from behind.
"You know, you could just ask her for extra help."
"Funny one, Hill."
Wanda and Carol also stood, sensing that your disheartened demeanour meant you were past participation on this group study night.
"It's been a good few weeks since anything happened between you both. I'm sure she'd be happy to help you without anything weird going on."

You walked with your friends down to the foyer of your flat, convincing them that you'd consider it. After all, you desperately needed the help and there truly was no one better the get help from than Miss Romanoff.

The following afternoon, you made your way to the lecture halls in fashionable routine - with Maria, then greeting Wanda and Carol. The lecture itself panned out as it usually did. You tried your best to keep up with the content, only finding yourself with an irritating headache by the end as your brain failed to keep up with the speed of the lesson. After Miss Romanoff had dismissed everyone, you hung behind and told your friends just to head off. Carol made an inappropriate joke, as she usually does and you were just glad that your professor hadn't overheard it.
"Is everything okay?"

You tried to pretend you weren't just as nervous speaking to her now as the first time you'd stayed behind. You assume she was past that, though you undeniably were not.
"Yeah, I was just, I'm kinda struggling with this part of the course. Like, a lot. I was gonna ask if you could tutor me but, I understand that you're probably busy and-"
She ran her palms down the length of your arms to hush you.
"Yes, I'll tutor you. Still not over those nerves, are you?"
Clearly, you weren't great at pretending. You shook your head, not knowing how to pick up any conversation. Miss Romanoff allowed the silence to continue for an uncomfortably long period, smirking as you picked your brain for a sentence. It was almost like she enjoyed torturing you.

"Well, when are you free?" She questioned, realising you were struggling to find any words.
"Literally, whenever."
"Tonight then? 8pm? So I can get a footing of where you're at. Or is that too soon?"
You played with your thumbs, taken aback by how soon you'd have to spend actual one on one time with her.
"No, that's great. Thank you. Where?"
"Either your place or mine."
You stopped for a moment to contemplate what would be easiest on your explosive nerves. Your place - comfortable, familiar. But you'd most likely have to show her round, also it's somewhat juvenile and there's alcohol everywhere from recent nights out with your friends. Her place, practically off limits because you'd be leaking anxiety. You can hardly compose yourself in conversation with her here, let alone at her own house.
The silence was dragging again, but this time you were the one to conclude it.
"Honestly, I don't really like making decisions."

"My place then. I'll email you the address, it's not far from here. Don't bring any notes with you, I can give you things to do."
You thanked her profusely, perhaps a little too much before turning to leave.

"Hey?" She called after you as you were closing the door.
"I don't think I've ever asked for your name."
How flattering. Kissed in a club and now weeks into class and she still doesn't know your name.
"It's Y/N."
Your reply was uncharacteristically bleak.
"Y/N." She repeated back. "I like it."

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