Part 25: Green spark

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I stand in my room dumbfoundedly staring at the door, then I jump into the air and ball my fists.
"Yes!", I cheer quietly. I feel like something in me is finally being freed, and it is a new and nervous but excited feeling. He invited me to Tony's party!
I freeze. Oh no, a party. That means I have to wear something, and I have to prepare, and so many people, and dancing ... I have heard about how big Tony's partys can get. Not that I am not excited. I love partys. And Loki. I am just ... I will have to dance in front of Loki. Isn't that enough of a reason to be nervous?
I have to tell somebody about this. Somebody who already experienced Tony's partys and who understands my feelings.
I wait and listen if Loki's steps have really fully departed, then I rush out of my room, through the hallway and knock on Natasha's door. No answer. I think for a second, then I go searching and find her in the Gym.
"Natasha!", I squeal and walk in, closing the door. "You ... you won't believe - I mean - you have to listen to what just happened!"
Natasha laughs and puts her free weights away. "Okay, what happened? Did Loki finally admit something?"
I watch her expression turn into a grin. "No, I mean, yes, kind of ..." I tell her what happened.
"Oh, that is great!", she says and now she seems almost as excited as I am. "I knew you two would be great together. And now we know he thinks that too!"
"Yes!" I beam at her. "But ..." I hesitate and my smile fades a little. "If I am being honest, it scares me a bit. I mean ... Tony's partys are big, and there will be so much dancing, and I will probably have to look good and all that makes me panic just a little bit."
Natasha's expressions soften. "It will be okay. And don't worry, I have a plan. I will tell you all about the partys tonight if you want, and tomorrow we will go shopping for a dress that will make Loki blush. We can ask Tony for a free day right away. He will plan a free day anyway I think because he needs to prepare the party."
Making Loki blush. That sounds like a great plan. "That would be great." I smile at her. "Thank you for all your support, really."
She chuckles. "You are always so nice. No wonder Loki likes you. Now come on, wait for me in my room. I will ask Tony about the free day and bring some popcorn, and then we will watch something and I tell you all the embarassing party stories you missed."
I laugh, suddenly feeling very excited again. "That sounds awesome! Wait, I will help you."
I help her to collect the free weights and put them away, we part ways after we step out of the Gym. As agreed on, I sit down on the comfortable sofa across Natasha's tv in her room and she soon joins me.
"Like I said", she says, plopping down next to me and handing me a bowl of popcorn. "Loki told him that he wants the party just after asking you, and now Tony pulls all the strings to get it going until tomorrow evening. Including scheduling a free day tomorrow."
I smile and pick a popcorn piece to eat. "I am excited to go shopping!"
Natasha smirks. "Oh, you can be. We use Tony's money, so you can pick basically everything you like."
A slight feeling of guilt spreads in me.
"Don't worry", Nat says, she seems to have seen right through my feelings. "Tony has too much money anyway. It will do only good if we spend a little bit."
We laugh together and she starts to tell party stories, but not long into the conversation something interrupts us.
A green spark comes through below the door. We watch it surprisedly, and it explodes like a little green firecracker in front of me. Green letters float in the air.

I know we have the day off tomorrow, but would you still like to train with me for a bit? I would be delighted to show you a few magic tricks.


"He invited you for tomorrow!", Natasha cheers.
"He signed with 'love'", I whisper and my heart beats a lot faster.
"Can I - can I send that thing back?", I ask curiously. It still levitates in front of me, as if it waits for an answer. I clear my throat. "Tell him, yes, I would love that. And tell him we can do it right after breakfast because I am going shopping with Natasha later." The green thing starts to write into the air.

Tell him, yes, I would love that. And tell him we can do it right after breakfast because I am going shopping with Natasha later.

"Oh, no, I mean-"

The message extends.

Oh no, I mean-

I sigh. "Love, (y/n)."

The thing shows me the complete message again.

Tell him, yes, I would love that. And tell him we can do it right after breakfast because I am going shopping with Natasha later.
Oh no, I mean-
*exhausted sigh*


I roll my eyes as the green spark hurries back under the door and disappears in the hallway.
Natasha giggles. "Looks like you could need the extra training."
"Oh shut up, you muggle", I say and we both laugh. "Now tell me about Tony embarassing himself at karaoke again."


Very sorry for taking such a long time to update. I had trouble to get into the storyline again, but I think the next parts will come quicker.
Have a lovely day!

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