Part 11: Prince manners

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After I have fallen asleep in Loki's bed yesterday evening, I wake up in my own today. I feel a slight pinch of disappointment, then I frown and shake this feeling off. Yesterday, Loki had showed me the fireworks for a long time, and it worked not exactly good, but I am on the way. The colours I created were random and one time I accidentally made real sparks out of my own magic and almost set Loki's book on fire. He cursed and I laughed, and I worked a lot more concentrated after that. So concentrated that I just fell asleep sometime into the night.
I lie in bed for a while, then I get up, get ready and go down for breakfast. I feel good, and apart from the usual tiffs between Tony and Loki, nothing really significant happens while we are eating. I notice that Thor is maybe a bit nicer to me and Loki, but that may just be my imagination.
When we go to the training, Loki is back with his annoying self (okay, I have grown to tolerate and maybe even like it, but still). As usual, the weird comfortness between us from the night is gone. He maybe just smiles a bit more.
At the warm up I get exhausted again, and throughout the training he teases me and I tease back as good as I can. It is nice to be playful with him, it is so easy and refreshing in contrast to the more serious Avengers. We practise our fighting strategy against the monsters with much effort, let our magic clash and copy a little from Natasha's and Steve's monster fighting technique. I try to jump from Loki's shoulders and almost break my neck, that is the point where he decides to jump up from my shoulders instead. Normally, I would have thought it would be a very bad idea, but surprisingly he knows very well where to put his feet and he can be really gentle and light if he wants.
In the break I am so exhausted that I don't even go to the kitchen for tea, I just sit against the wall and relax for a couple of minutes. When my muscles slowly recover, I try to make firework again. After half an hour, Loki comes back.
"Good you have nothing to burn in here", he grins and closes the door behind him.
"Oh, maybe your hair?", I mumble as I watch the little fireworks turn pink.
"Haha, I would kill you", he responds unconcernedly.
I scowl at him and in the moment I break eye contact with the firework, it goes out.
He chuckles. "You need help?"
I groan and close my eyes. My muscles still haven't fully recovered. "Maybe with getting up."
I don't expect him to do something, but to my surprise he grabs my hand and pulls me on my feet, holding me tight as I stumble a little from the sudden rise.
"Thank you", I mutter and blush a little at the closeness.
He lets go of my waist slowly, smirks and does a little bow. "You're welcome."
I put my arms akimbo and smile a bit. "Prince manners, huh?"
"Oh please", Loki says and his smirk turns into a dark grin while he does his signature pose. "I am a king."
I snicker and we start training again. The afternoon goes by quicker than I expect. After dinner, I practically fall into my bed, exhaustion in every cell of my body, and the sleep catches me quickly.

The next morning, something wakes me up.
"Coming", I mutter.
The noise doesn't stop. I frown, then I realise the thing waking me up wasn't Steve knocking at the door. I open my eyes. My room is flashed in red, blinking light, and the alarm rings in my ears. The monsters are attacking again.

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