Part 15: Dark presentiment

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I almost throw the blanket off me and jump up. Loki needs my help. I knew it. My head spins as my body tries to adjust to the sudden rising, I blink a few times and hold onto the chair in front of Loki's desk. A glance on the clock says 5:47 a.m.
5:47 a.m.?
I slept through the whole night? It felt like half a minute. Either way, I have to rescue him. But where do I start?
I stand in the dark of Loki's room, trying to think.
Come alone.
That is the weirdest of it all. Could it be a trap? But he didn't tell me where he was, and if it would be a trap of something Loki can't control, it would have lured me somewhere. And there a piece of truth hits me: It doesn't matter if this is a trap. I will try to save him, no matter what.
But I will come prepared.
Arming myself is the most obvious thing about the message he sent me, but what do I have beside my magic ...
I hesitantly look around the room. Then I turn on the light. Where would he ...?
My glance falls onto the armour stand opposite to the bed. His armour isn't there, but the daggers for decoration purposes are. I walk over and take one, testing the sharpness with my finger. Yep, deadly. I pocket both of them and stand in the room irresolutely. What do I do now?
I calm myself and go through things again slowly. I wear the clothes from yesterday, so no changing before I go. I hope it doesn't take long to rescue Loki, but I don't know for sure.
I sneak into my room, getting a backpack. While I sneak into the kitchen, packing two water bottles and a few left-overs from dinner, I think. Where could he be?
What do we do when we search after lost things? We think back to when we last saw them.
I remember which street he ran into when he left. I could start from there. But another question is: What could have kidnapped him? At least I am sure someone ... happened to meet him in a harmful way, you could say. But it wasn't just a fight. Loki sounded desperate and he experienced pain. The bad guys probably kept him where ever they are. And who are they?
I stand still in the quiet kitchen for a moment. The only enemies I know of are the monsters. But Jarvis would have sent an alarm if they attacked. Maybe ... a dark presentiment takes over and the words of other Avengers come to my mind.
Personally I doubt that they accomplished coming here all by themselves, Bruce said.
And Natasha. There has to be someone who made the portals and put them through them.
I zip the backpack and quietly go to the control room through the dark hallway. I don't dare to switch on the light, I mean I could always say I am on my way to the bathroom but I would rather not meet anybody.
"Jarvis", I say after closing the door behind me.
The hologram appears. "Yes, Miss (y/n)."
I take a deep breath and put my hands on the edge of the glass table. "I need to know a few things. And I need you to not tell Tony."
"I am specifically programmed to ignore that command."
"Uhm ... could you ... not tell the Avengers until I am back?", I try to rephrase the sentence.
"Yes, that I can do."
I smile halfheartedly. "Okay. Then, I need to know ..." I hesitate. "Were there any monster attacks beside the two we already faced?"
"No, Miss (y/n)", says Jarvis. His blue light shines into the room.
I bite my lip and close my eyes. "Were there any more portals opened since the last attack?"
"Yes, Miss (y/n)."
I gasp and my eyes fly open. "Why ... why didn't you say something?"
"Because nobody attacked us."
"Oh my god. We really have to work on your program. Remind me to discuss that when I am back."
"Yes, Miss (y/n)."
"Okay. Now, you have to tell me exactly where this portal was. And can you say who came through? Maybe ... did Loki go through that portal?"
"I don't know, Miss, he refuses to wear a tracker. And the portal was here." In the blue light, the hologram of the streets of New York appear. The red dot with the portal is close to the latest attack, just a few steps to where Loki disappeared. "Four foreign entitys stepped onto earth for 3 minutes and 46 seconds."
"Okay", I say with a dry mouth. "Okay. Thank you, Jarvis. Remember to not tell the other Avengers what I asked you. Goodbye."
"I can't forget, so I don't have to remember", Jarvis answers, but I am already out the door.
I leave the Tower quietly, and the stairs down take ages. When I step onto the street, the sky already shimmers with a light blue colour. But I don't have time to look at it, I have a mission.
My pulse rate goes up as I walk with a quick pace to our latest fighting place. I will have to fight. It is inevatible. Probably. And I have only a few days of training. This is a suicide-mission.
I will suceed. For Loki. I take a deep breath and calm myself. Well, I have to be stealthy. Too bad I don't know how to be invisible ...
I round a corner and find myself at the street where we fought. There is even the crater Tony made in the house wall, half fixed with some cement. I carefully go to the street where Loki disappeared and draw the daggers in my jacket. The passersby don't have to see them.
As I look around the corner Loki disappeared behind, I see a street that looks like I would expect it to look like - a regular street, filled with morning persons in suits. I go along, slowly, and try to think myself into Loki. He probably wanted to be alone. Was he powerful enough to create an illusion to hide himself or his condition?
I think about the burns and his limping. Probably not. So ...
I go on, and then I see it. A small alley, nobody notices it. Everyone walks by like it doesn't exist. Perfect.
I slip into the alley carefully and draw Loki's daggers. It is dark here, a garbage bin looks like it has been kicked away, insides all over the alley. No doors to the left and right. The ground is filthy, old cigarette butts and plastic bags lying around. My fear grows with every step I take. In ten meters, I see the alley end in a brick wall. I screw up my eyes and sneak closer.
Then I notice a scratch in the wall, looks like one from a sharp metal object. I look down on Loki's dagger. The closer I come to the brick wall, the more scratches are on the walls. And I notice some burns. I brush with my finger over it and see the tips turn grey.
When I finally arrive in front of the wall, there is a big circle on it out of soot. It has the same size as one of the portals.

Are you ready to see dark (y/n) in the next part? I think you are.

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