Part 7: Medical room

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I slowly open my eyes. I feel a soft mattress under me and every muscle hurts from the fight. I groan and blink into the light.
As my eyes adjust, I can see that I lie in the medical room of the Tower. Bruce stands in white clothing in front of a cupboard with medicine and smiles when he turns around and sees that I am awake.
"Ah", he says. "You are back. That is great, how are you? I suppose you feel some muscle ache and maybe a light headache."
I nod and then shake my head. "Just the muscle ache." Then my glance lands on the bed next to me. Loki lies in there, eyes closed. His bed is so close to mine that it could be a double bed, but surprisingly I don't mind at all.
"How is he?", I ask immediatly.
Bruce frowns. "From what Natasha and Steve told me, his arms have been burned pretty badly. But ..." He looks at me. "It seems that your powers have repaired most of the damage. I have put a cooling paste on his arms once while he was asleep, but I didn't have to do more. And don't tell him that", he adds quickly, "I am glad enough he didn't stab me in his sleep."
I laugh and stop immediatly because it hurts in my stomach muscles.
"I better tell the others that you are awake. Do you need something else?", Bruce asks.
"No, thank you", I answer and smile.
He returns that smile and leaves the room. With a sigh I sink back into the pillows. So healing is another one of my powers ... interesting. And pretty helpful if I think about it.
Loki mumbles in his sleep and his fingers twitch on the blanket. I smirk and stretch out my hand to touch them. Then I stop. You shouldn't touch people in their sleep. You wait until they wake up and consent. And why would I even touch them?
I examine Loki's face. It is smooth and calm. His black hair is slightly curled and still a little messy from the fight. I wonder how his jotun form looks. I mean I have seen pictures, but to see it in reality ...
He mumbles again and suddenly his fingers wrap around my index finger which is still very close to his hand. I freeze. Woops. His skin is cold, colder than when we touched at training. My belly flutters a bit and a smile sneaks its way onto my face. I try to pull my finger out of his grasp, but I can't break away.
I struggle and pull, and I end up closing the gap between our beds. And finally, after a minute or so, he lets go. I sigh and take my hand back.
Loki shifts and wakes up. He opens his eyes and blinks, then he looks around until his glance meets me.
"Oh", he says. "You okay?"
"Yes", I answer and smile. "But that's not important. How are your arms?"
He looks down at them, with a slight frown. "They are alright, I think. Fire is not good for ..." He stops speaking and presses his lips together.
"Frostgiants?", I finish the sentence.
He stares at the opposite wall.
"Oh no, Loki", I say softly. I hesitate, then I wrap my arms around him. He remains stiff. "I know you don't like that part of yourself. Just so you know, I like it. It is pretty cool, this blue skin and red eyes and stuff, makes you look intimidating and beautiful at the same time!"
"Another compliment and I will throw you off the bed."
I pout and make moves to pull my arms from him.
To my surprise, he clutches onto them. "No", he says and his voice sounds a lot higher than it usually does. "It's ..." Loki takes a breath and stares at the ceiling now. "It's comfortable."
A wide smile spreads over my face and I hold him tighter. Loki does nothing, I feel him breathing and maybe shaking a bit. But he also doesn't shake me off.
My gut tells me to lay my head on his shoulder, but that would be too much, I know that. Also, where is this sudden desire to hug Loki coming from? Whatever it is, it feels good to comfort him. Something in me tells me he needs it.
Just as I feel him starting to relax in my arms, the door flies open and the other Avengers burst into the room, conducted by Tony. I jump away from Loki, and at the same time he throws me away from him, so I end up nearly falling off the bed. I manage to clutch to the blankets.
"So you are awake again!", Tony calls. "How are you, (y/n)? Everything alright?"
"Uhm, just a muscle ache", I answer, still shoving myself back onto the bed. I force a smile as if he hadn't just interrupted something important. Honestly, he can destroy Thanos but he can't knock on a door before bolting in?
They all ask me questions about my first fight, how I am doing and everything.
"You know, Loki got injured too", I say after a while.
A weird silence ensues.
"Well, yes", Tony says and puts his hands together. "He sometimes does. But this was your first mission, so ..."
I nod hesitantly. That is right too. But at least one person could have asked Loki how he is doing.
"I told them about your new healing power", says Natasha and smiles.
"Oh, yes. It's very helpful", I respond. Soon my new power is the new topic, and eventually Bruce shoos the other Avengers out of the medical room to give me and Loki some peace. I sigh again.

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