Scene 2 - The Planet

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The TARDIS arrives back on Xeros to the same spot where the time ship first landed. The Doctor and Jo exit, and can see the city in the distance. They will have to proceed up a steep hill and down a slope to arrive back at the museum.


We're back where we first landed?


Correct. She's done well with following the course coordinates. We're back at the same time and space as before. Well, sometime after our first visit.


How long exactly from our first visit?


As long as the time we have been away for, Jo.


It would have been better if we landed back in the museum again, wouldn't it? If you need something from the TARDIS, you would have to come all the way back to get it.


Then let's go there and see what we can do.

The Doctor and Jo begin heading back to the museum. Once they begin approaching, the Doctor can tell that something is very wrong.

Jo, get down! Get down!

He takes a startled Jo and hides behind a large set of rocks. They peep out over to see the museum.


No. They can't have!

We see that the museum has been taken over by the Daleks! A drone Dalek watches over a big digging site, of surviving Moroks working as slaves! The site is vast, and the Moroks dig with only spades and nothing else. Their uniforms are stained, with rips, and the smell of putrid odour from sweaty work. They dig into the ground. Why is not known, nor is it for a good reason, simply because it is the order of the Daleks. The site is a foot or two below ground level. Some dig into walls, whereas others dig into the hardened ground. Bal, Ten, and Moid are among the slaves. Robomen, converted Moroks, maintain order over the digging. They hold the weapons of the Moroks ass they keep constant patrol. The Robomen shout out orders with a deep monotone sound. The Moroks look disgruntled and tired with the useless work.

The Daleks. They've taken over!


Yes. Yes, of course. I was right. I knew this would happen. Mass extermination followed by absolute suppression of the survivors.


But why? Why would the Daleks do this? If they wanted to exterminate them, they would have done it ages ago. And taken all the items belonging to the museum.


I imagine at this stage they have. The Daleks have been here a while, Jo. They've taken all they want from this planet and left it as a Dalek prison camp.


I recognize some of those people down there. They helped us escape from the Dalek!

We see Bal, Moid, and Ten digging the wall with their spades. Throughout this scene, we will cut from the Doctor and Jo to the campsite and back again.

What are those men? Are they robots?


When the Daleks first invaded Earth, they used converted slaves to help occupy the planets they had colonized. The subject was given an intelligence test to determine whether they were suitable to become one of them, Robomen. I imagine the Moroks would have been perfect for the Daleks to turn into slaves. They're like crude cyborgs. The process to become a Roboman was highly unstable.

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