Back on the Floor

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It was in the middle of the night when I heard my door open. I was a pretty stealthy ninja, so I kept it cool and pretended to be sleeping. I made sure I kept my breaths steady and eyes closed. And I waited. And waited.

Until I fell asleep again.


Cars kept honking repeatedly. I reached to pull my pillow over my head but grabbed a handful of dirt. Dirt? My eyes sprang open. I was lying on the cold, damp, grass in my pajamas a few yards away from the road. What the heck? How did I get here? I quickly got to my feet and looked around. Cars were speeding down the highway and the sun was shining clear as day. What happened last night?

I stomped over to the road and looked at the cars. Each license plate came from a different state. Florida. North Carolina. Georgia.

Worry started to creep in. What state was I in?

I started walking along the sidelines of the highway. After one minute, I knew I wasn't going to get anywhere by walking and following the highway.

I got a little closer to the road and stuck out a thumb. Dread flooded into me when no cars stopped.

But then one did. A classy red mustang.

A bunch of teens were inside. Three guys and two girls. One blonde guy stuck his head out the window. I was struck by how hot he was.

"Hop in, Wander!"

Wander? I got into the back and squeezed myself in between a brunette girl and a boy. The guy pulled the brunette over onto his lap as she squealed. I took advantage of the extra space.

A sharp smell hit my nose. It was something I'd never smelled before. But then I saw the small white bag on the floor. Drugs.

The car started driving down the highway again.

The blonde guy turned in his seat towards me. His eyes were a little too bright and a smile was etched onto his face.

"What happened to you, Wanderer? One night stand in the woods?" His voice was slightly slurred.

I looked down at myself. My clothes were somewhat covered in dirt and a bit of grass was in my hair. I quickly picked it out.

"Something like that," I answered since I didn't exactly know. "What state are we in?" I asked, suddenly cautious.

He threw his head back and laughed. "Must've been a tough party!"


"Wanderer, I'm Sebastian. That's..." He squinted at the guy driving almost as if confused.

The guy driving had sandy brown hair and looked at me in the rear view mirror with a grin, "Ignore him. He's high," Like I hadn't figured. "I'm Daniel. The girls are Jill and Lola. The idiot in the back is Preston."

Jill, a girl with dyed blue hair, nodded at me lazily with a huge grin. She was high, definitely.

Which left Lola in Preston's lap. They didn't acknowledge me, instead giggling and making out.

"Just call me Wanderer." I told Daniel. I guess it sounded reasonable. And I shouldn't tell them my name, anyway. They had drugs in their car!

Sebastian winked at me.

"What state are we in?" I asked Daniel.

"Mississippi," Daniel replied.

"Holy shit!" I shouted so loudly that Daniel screeched to a halt in the middle of the highway making everyone fall forward.

"Keep driving!" I yelled at him. He obeyed and quickly started driving again.

Jill and Sebastian were giggling crazily. How the hell did I get in Mississippi? I was asleep in Virginia not a few hours ago! Oh my gosh. I needed to get home. Someone had to notice I was gone, right?

I looked at Daniel, seriously worried now, "Please tell me you're not high, too." I pleaded.

Daniel let out a roaring laugh, "Nah. Someone's gotta be clear to drive."

"Aren't you afraid?"

"Of what?"

"Getting arrested!" I screeched.

Sebastian winced, "Tone it down, Wanderer. Here, take some. Calm yourself." He held a little bag of white powder in his hand.

I looked at him, not hiding the disgust on my face, "No! Why don't you calm yourself and get off the drugs!" I grabbed the packet out of his hand and threw it out the window.

Jill shoved me, "What the fuck!"

I grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her, "You're high!"

Jill looked so mad but it quickly dissolved as a huge grin came across her face. I'm surprised her lips didn't split. She started laughing and singing some random song. Sebastian joined her off key singing.

I looked back at Daniel through the rear view mirror. I hadn't realized before, but he was actually kind of cute.

But I had to get home! The thought shattered all my other ones.

"Where are you headed?" I asked him.

"Everywhere, babe."

Wow. Perfect. They're like modern day hippies minus the cool peace van.

"Ever been to Virginia?" I asked with a sudden plan.

His face scrunched up, "It's somewhere on the list."

"Perfect! Let's go! Now!" I told him happily.

"What do you say, guys? Wanderer says Virginia." Daniel announced to everyone in the car.

"Wanderer knows where to go!" Sebastian yelled out.

Jill eyed me, "I like her," she drawled, "Vir-gin-ia it is." She broke up the word Virginia so it sounded weird.

Lola broke away from Preston long enough to look at me. She smiled lazily, "Virgin-ia. Hear that, Preston? Sounds wonderful."

I'm pretty sure that wasn't for me to hear. It was Virginia. Not Virgin-ia. or Vir-gin-ia. Virginia. Nothing else. These high hippies could be perverted.

Preston let out a whoop.

"I'm lovin' it, babe." He said mostly to Lola.

They started making out again like there was no tomorrow.

"Virginia, baby, here we come!" Daniel shouted and swerved to make an illegal turn on the highway. We all jerked along with the car and then we were on our way. Back home. To Virginia.

One minute I'm home, sleeping. Then I wake up in North Carolina and have to hitch a ride with a bunch of hippies and two of them are practically humping each other right next to me in a car while the other two are high and the only normal one might be the driver.

How do these things happen to me?

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