Am I Dreaming?

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I could've screamed in happiness. Of all the things that's happened so far, being back in my room was the best. My room was a little dusty-which irked me- but the orange walls were still bright like the outer part of a tangerine.

I'd have to renew my whole bookshelf. Every single book ranged from a variety of colors and shapes. But they had all been previously read by me. I'd definitely have to fix that and find some new ones.

I had nothing better to do, so I unpacked my suitcase. I managed to finish in no time thanks to my lack of a huge wardrobe and decided to go look for some of my ole' buddies.


I barged into Jax's office. Empty. Hmph.

I decided to get comfy and tossed myself into his giant comfy chair behind the desk. I swiped my hand across the desk and everything cluttered to the floor. In it's place, I raised my feet, crossing them at the ankles, and closed my eyes in bliss.

Jax was so going to kill me.

My eyes snapped open at the sound of footsteps. They could barely be heard.

A girl rounded the corner and walked in. She glanced at the surroundings then at me. Her dark hair was voluminous with wavy curls. Her flawless skin was a light milk chocolate color and her cocoa brown eyes matched.

She was tall, too. Amazonian tall with legs that stretched on forever and a slender and slim body.

"Raiding ye office?" She asked.

I almost snorted. Old day pirate talk? This was good. Interesting, rather.

"Come hither." I invited her.

She actually snorted and stared at me with a funny look as she walked in and sprawled herself on the couch.

"Are you serious?"

"Aye." This time I couldn't take it and laughed with her.

"So, anger issues? Bored? Or looking to get in trouble?" She inquired at the mess I had thrown off Jax's desk.

I shrugged, "Maybe all."

"Well, if anyone asks, I was never here."

I sealed my lips, locked them, and threw away the key. "Pirates honor."

"Aye!" We both shouted at the same time.

"What's ye's name?"


"Short for..."


"Well, I like Cassandra." She decided.

"And ye?" I asked her.

"Wynter." She smiled.

"Short for..."

She grimaced, "Wynter."

"Ooooh. Pretty."

She cackled, "Yeah right!"

I gave her a small smile. "So, where is everyone?"

She gazes at me curiously, "Figures I haven't seen you here before." She muttered. "They're out hunting. Well, most of them, anyway."

"Interesting." I pondered. Wynter. My first new friend. Who would've thought? I'd have to tell Wes for sure. Wes would definitely want her number. She was insanely beautiful, without a doubt. She got up from the couch suddenly and sauntered to the door with catlike grace. It was remarkable, really. She threw a Cheshire grin over her shoulder at me and then walked out of the office and off to who knows where.

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