「 nineteen 」

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"Why is my girlfriend so pretty?"

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"Why is my girlfriend so pretty?"

In a tropical dim lighted room lies a whipped Doyoung flipping his body back and forth on his cozy bed, a consistent wide smile proudly showing as he scrolls onto Jena's instagram, gums shone brightly as he coos on glancing the pictures uploaded by the female suh and couldn't help but to adore each and one of it.

Being frank, Doyoung never did stalk his girlfriend all throughout their relationship, eager to know her in person like how he usually meets people. Other than the given reason, he also is agitated on the mere thought of glancing over Jena's instagram, scared of what accident can occur to him that make fans and netizens have an idea of him stalking, or worse, exposing his hidden relationship with the female. The kim already convinced himself to not go near the suh's account due to those reasons, avoiding his own girlfriend's username for both of their safety and peace. The couple did come into an agreement to not follow each other after guesting on siblings' unite show since the crowd was persuaded the two were nothing but rivals for Gongmyung's affection.

However, the male was violating his own hidden rules today, missing his girlfriend completely despite seeing her a week before, wouldn't even be bothered to be guilty since he hadn't seen nor heard from her after the bullying incident hit the media. Doyoung was waiting for a cover to be uploaded on Jena's IGTV, the kim actually helped her film to dance cover of I'm not cool by Hyuna, the couple spending their midnight filming at the same time made it their date night, using their three night no budget shooting to catch up. There was no doubt that Doyoung was again dumbfounded towards Jena; thunderstruck that the younger also recorded a voice cover for the song and directed to film it of course with his help to record.

After minutes of refreshing, the male grins ear to ear upon seeing the newly uploaded cover, gasping at the good editing Jena applied onto the cover, a gasp turn into a chuckle upon watching the shopping cart Jena borrowed from a friend's market, Doyoung getting stirred on the icy yet chic gaze of the younger. He finds himself fanboying over his own girlfriend and has his heart fluttering at the cover; cheeks burning in a crimson colour as he couldn't contain a sweet grin, feeling the proud boyfriend he is to his lover.

His eyes were solely fixed on the screen, too stunned and dazed to look away, savouring the soxy cover as he fanned his face with his own hand. His distrait mind was enjoying watching in silence, having all smiles with glee and euphoria with him. His alone time didn't seem to last long when the door banged open causing Doyoung to have a mini heart attack.

The poor kim winced in shock due to the loud bang that resonated to his room, a hand clenched onto his shirt for dear life, heart palpated and started to get agitated. Doyoung shot his narrowed eyes to the door and groan to see a suh startled him, the kim started to nag at the older, his earful nags turns unbothered when Johnny ask about Taeil's whereabouts making Doyoung scoff and have his jaw clench in frustration.

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