「 thirteen 」

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warnings: mentions of an accident and bl00d. Read at your own risk.

"This is the problem about you, you always want to do things your way and never ask my opinion!"

"My problem?" Doyoung derides in a strangled voice, grinding his teeth in anger as he rapidly taps his fingers repeatedly, his head starting to ache from arguing with the suh for the past five minutes. "No I'm not the problem this time Jena, it's you who's the problem here. We already agreed on this and you're complaining and wanting to suggest things last minute!"

Doyoung groans when the younger one hangs up and leaves him furious all by himself. The kim looked over his glasses towards the screen of his ipad, staring at the unfinished project in front of him. The two had been into making song covers lately, already covered stay with me by chanyeol and punch, Jena doing chanyeol's parts and Doyoung doing punch's, the two lovers being amazed and satisfied at the outcome of the said cover.

And today was supposed to be their agreed recording day, facetiming each other and Doyoung insisting that he'll edit the cover like he did last time, but the day was turned into a 360 spin when Jena had to barge in a tons of suggestions when literally she could have raise those up before they agreed to record their own parts. The suh has been into the duo troublemaker recently and kept singing troublemaker most of the time, Doyoung catching the song too and got addicted to it, making him suggest to make a song cover from it and of course, Jena agreed.

Initially, Doyoung was supposed to get Hyunseung's part while Jena gets Hyuna's, the two agreeing to memorize the lyrics and flow for them to record today, only to be postponed due to a certain female throwing a fit while arguing with the kim. The suh suggested exchanging parts since Hyuna's rap parts were basic to execute (other than that, Jena knew Doyoung has the potential to rap since the kim can argue incessantly for 3 minutes non-stop, but the suh was never vocal about it or else she could have got himself a smack in the head for bringing up the reason behind her logic). 

With the silence lingering around his room, it didn't suffice to calm his nerves down and he was still pissed, fingers continuously tapping against the white cream table, his anger getting the best of him and unconsciously slamming his palms aggressively on the poor innocent desk. Doyoung flinch when his ears catch a loud shattered glass resonated in the room, tilted his head to spot his fragile coffee mug fell on the ground and small pricks og glass scattered all over the floor. Before he could even get the chance to process and to clean up his sudden mess, three males immediately barged in and they were Taeyong, Yuta and Johnny.

The three banged the door open and caught the younger shock for his life, Doyoung's eyes stared over Johnny's and Taeyong's while he was surprised to see Yuta right now (since the male lives at the upper floor).  The three males fixated their gaze on the younger, eyes were heavily judging and were skeptical of Doyoung being mad at this hour.

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