2 - Stolen Moments

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The office was silent as Rose walked in on Monday morning. Even Lynn wasn't in just yet - usually coming in by at least 8:15. As usual, her coffee was already on her desk waiting to be drunk. It wouldn't be long before she breezed through the door, asking Rose to bring her files of whatever cases they were dealing with amongst other things. Law was mind boggling to her with all the jargon that came with it. Rose didn't know how the hell Andy didn't have a headache after reading some of the stuff she had. But he was trained, he knew his stuff.

He also knew her...

"Morning Rose." Lynn said, coming in and into her office, shrugging off her jacket as she did so. "Good weekend?"

"The usual." Rose called back from her desk outside. Technically she was Lynn's secretary, but pretty much helped out with everyone who worked there. Neal didn't know her name and would click his fingers at her if he wanted something, and then there was Andy...

Rose liked to think of herself as his 'personal' secretary with added benefits. Stress relief being one of them. Already her body was aching just thinking about him, yearning for one touch. Her skirt was shorter today, just for him. It was all for him.

"I have a few calls to make, can you do the usual and just take some messages? I'll get right back to them. Unless it's a life or death situation."

"Sure thing." Rose nodded

"Oh and I may need you to help out Andy and Neal more this week. This Marsden case is a heavy one and they're run off their feet. The whole thing is a damn mess." Lynn sighed muttering 'I love my job' over and over again.

Rose swivelled around on her chair. "Just let me know, I'm pretty good at multitasking by now."

Oh boy was she.

Lynn disappeared back into her office and Rose looked at the clock. Almost 9am. He'd be in dead on. He always was. She'd never known Andy to be late unless he'd been called on scene to something that they needed to be involved with.

Eventually she saw him walk through on his phone, his eyes darting to her own before mouthing 'check your emails' to her, making for his own office. The door being the only thing keeping them apart. Rose checked her mail, however there was nothing.

"Hey...can you get me a fresh one? This is bitter as hell." Neal called out and held up the mug for her to see.

Rose rolled her eyes but got up all the same. Purposely walking past Andy's window so he could see just what he was missing. Through the open blind, she could feel his eyes on her as she went to make Neal a fresh drink and returned it to him. There was no thanks given. Not ever. At least Andy had the decency to actually say it to her.

"Your welcome." She snapped at him as he sipped the coffee before turning on her heel and making for her desk again.

This time there was an email.

Andy Barber:

My office. Now. Bring the file.

The file, yes the fake 'file' they'd created so as it didn't look suspicious with her going into his office empty handed. She took the file that literally had nothing in it, and got up, smoothing down her skirt. Andy had already closed the blinds so no one could see in and after a couple of minutes, Rose knocked on the door.

He looked up from his desk as she walked in, closing the door behind her. "You wore that on purpose." His voice was a growl, already hungry for her while he surveyed her figure once more. The skirt was sending him mad. She just loved to torment him.

"I can't be long, Lynn's on a few calls so I need to man the phone." she glanced back at the door, even though she'd locked it just in case. No chances could ever be taken.

"A few minutes won't hurt anyone." He got up pulled her into him, lips savouring her own once more. It was like a drug he just couldn't kick the habit from.

They could always stop this. Rose had told herself that many times since the start. It would always end with her being the one who got hurt, but still she carried on. She'd always choose inflicting that suffering on herself if it meant just one more night with him.

His hand disappeared up her skirt, brushing against her underwear while his lips worked at her neck. "You wore my favourite ones. I can tell."

She smirked. "I had a feeling that it was going to be another late one tonight, so I came prepared." Nothing got him more riled up than the set she was wearing underneath her clothes. Even just by touching them he could tell which ones they were.

"God you know me so well." He dropped his head with a small shake and a smile. "Better than anyone else it seems."

"Even her?" Rose dared to ask, then wishing she hadn't.

He stopped and sighed. "Even her." Andy wasn't lying. If there was one thing that he wouldn't do to her, then it was lie to her.

Would he ever leave her? Rose had spent so many nights beating herself up thinking about the possibility of him leaving Laurie for her. But he wouldn't. Not unless they wanted the whole town talking about them. Staring, airing all the messy details amongst themselves in hushed whispers that they thought the pair of them wouldn't hear.

She was a fool if she thought they could ever make a life here, but still it didn't deter her from carrying on with what they had. They'd simply have to make the best of a bad situation.

Rose quickly dropped her grasp on him and collected the fake file. "I need to get back to my desk, but I'll bring you a coffee." She smiled tenderly, giving him one last kiss that wouldn't keep them satisfied until after work hours.

Andy watched her leave, returning to his desk and exhaling the tension that had been building inside of him. Rose Sullivan would be the death of him, and unfortunately she was in his line of sight from where his desk was situated. Therefore he could stare at her all day had he nothing better to do. He knew he shouldn't be craving any other woman than Laurie, but their marriage was becoming staler by the day.

When Andy looked at Rose, the whole world turned from black and white into the brightest of colours. Skies cleared. Anything was possible, they could take on anything and anyone. Nothing could stand in their way.

Apart from his wife.

He was on the phone with Duffy when Rose walked in and placed the coffee down in front of him. It was like the air had been sucked from his body. So much that he almost lost track of the conversation he was having. "Andy? You still there?" Duffy enquired on hearing suspicious silence.

"Sorry, trying to read something at the same time." Andy said, eyes on Rose trying to read her body as she walked out again.

He always knew what it said. She was screaming out for him.

There was no way he could get her alone before tonight. Instead he'd have to endure just what she was putting him through. He'd even talk to Neal if it meant just making it through the day, and that was saying something. He had to do his best to focus on the case.

Easier said than done.

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