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"I learned during my travels that there are two major empires that rule over Maradika. These are the Empire of Kamenangan and the Empire of Sriurvana. Undoubtedly, I believe Kamenangan is the more powerful one in terms of governance and trade. I'm not certain about military might, since I heard that in the previous wars, Sriurvana managed to defeat them.

I first visited the Menangese capital, Gedhe Wuruk. I marveled at what it had to offer! There was this pyramidic temple housing monks who seldom went out. I perhaps only saw three or four monks when I was there. The temple featured multiple stupas they believed allowed them to reach out to angels. It featured elaborate carvings of saints and holy men of old. The temple, it was on an open field, close to a river, which had sadly waned in might.

There was another area in Gedhe Wuruk where a structure stood, and was made of whitewashed stone and marble. Its roofs were triangular, with tips piercing forward. Additionally, the structure had oranate accents of gold on its roofing and its gutters. The staircase leading to the entrance featured two golden bird-like statues guarding each side. Garudas, I think, was what the locals called the birds.

I wanted to come in, but I learned that foreigners, unless they had some sort of diplomatic purpose, were forbidden from entering its grounds. I stared at the door made of teak, embellished with gold, guarded by pikemen on each side, and realized that this was actually the palace that housed Raja Wibisono, the universal ruler of Kamenangan!

I saw many different marvels upon my visit to the thalassocracy of Kamenangan, but it's time for me to talk about Sriurvana. That's for another entry. I still need to send my report to my sponsors. But I promise you, I shall write about Sriurvana soon."

Xian Wuying, Entry XXIV

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