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I looked up and saw her.
"Me'lady...? " I said in shock,
Her eyes looked heavy and she looked as she would fall any moment. Blood still pored from her wound. I felt myself die inside. She saved me...and now she was going to die! Oh my gosh!!! I hobbled to my knees still clutching my side.
"'s ok...hold on.." I said getting up and walking up to her right when her knees gave out.
I held her in my arms, I looked terrible and she was as cold as a ghost. I felt myself tear up as I pulled her close to me.
"I-it's ok's I'll be fine, you'll be fine...please ..please stay with me..." I said going back to the tree and set her down. The other soldiers backed off and left taking the leaders body. I didn't care if I died, I need her to be alive...I don't know why ever since I met her it was like I needed her.. An I still do. I looked in her satchel and found the first aid kit we bought in town. I took out the air and her breathing became harder.
"She'll be fine she'll be fine wheel be fine..." I repeated the whole time. I dressed her wounds and gave her water.. After I finished I sat down next to her. I looked at her bloody cloths. I sighed sadly, then the pain came back to me. I was dying to...great! Just great. I was so cold, good news the bleeding stopped since the wounds were not deep but they still stung. I sat closer to her and put an arm around her. She was warmer and more of her color was back , but she was still to weak to awaken.
"You may not trust me....and I'm sorry that I couldn't save you from the pain..." I said finally letting sleep tackle me.

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