31. A Carnation For the Lady

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William was looking at his bride lying next to him. It was only first light but it was all he needed.

The smoothe lines of her face with hundreds of galaxies scattered across it, were highlighted by the faint light. Her nose tipped up and came to a fine round point, but there was a small divot in the cartilage you couldn't see because of the concentration of freckles covering it. It was like a small nebula. Her cheeks flowed smoothly into her eyelids without a break, more of a change in direction. But her lashes swept over it all like thick bristles, pointed and full and matching the red in her hair. The point of her chin looked the softest. Stray pieces of hair had moved and clung to the corner of her mouth as she slept and he slowly moved it away. His finger trailed to her chin and pressed at the indentation lightly.

She pouted her lips in her sleep.

It wasn't like when Tulip was born and he'd go and check on her at night, worried someone might try and take her and he'd need to fight them. No, this was something else. Soothing, for his mind and soul. She was here, with him, in their bed. The woman made of fire.

He thought of all the times he'd seen her blush, seen her send those flaming orbs to stare him down, those lips part to send him a swift warning. Even the kicks to his shins. All of it, he wanted to see it again.

But then his thoughts traveled to the night Aster was shot.

She had looked ablaze. Setting off with three men, one a knight and two unscrupulous, to go and exact her revenge. He'd been left behind in her wake. Only able to stand and stare after her as her world was going up in smoke. And her willing to burn the culprit's down.

Now, she looked so peaceful.

You would be fine without me...but I'm glad I can be by your side.

He kissed her hair and got up. The sunlight beginning to come up over the horizon. He pulled on a shirt and his breeches over his under things. Today was the day he needed to send out a fresh guard to Kuchen. Let the people there see that the Crown would remember them and keep them safe. It was a bit of paperwork and he'd need an ice bath before he came back.

He needed to hurry.


Chammielle drifted from sleep as if she were not waking up but simply floating out of it. Such peace was rare and she reached for William beside her.


"You're awake."

She turned her head and saw him at the door, a tray in his hands.

He looked refreshed, his hair damp and his curls weighted down. His cheeks and nose were pink and his eyes bright. He gripped the gilt tray lightly and pressed the door closed with his back.

"And here I was hoping to wake you."

She sat up and he sat at the edge of the bed, laying the tray between them.

Two teacups and saucers, a teapot, a plate of jammy scones, strawberries, and a small pitcher of cream and pot of sugar. And with it, a slender crystal vase holding a single pale pink carnation. It was a lovely sight to see. Especially its mode of transportation.

He poured the tea and she could smell the roses and black tea leaves. It had a malty and bright scent. Her eyes closed and she smiled.

"Three Twinning's Lady Rose tea. The second picking."

He shook his head and she felt the cool mist spritz her face.

"How did you know?"

"My father and I visit tea shops once a month. I'm quite sure there isn't a tea sold in Kuchen I haven't tried."

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