28. Awake

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Chammielle felt better than she had in a long time, but also felt a slight strain in her neck. Perhaps her pillow was not the right fullness. She wanted to remove it but also to remain relaxed so she would not stress it or wake up any further. Her sleep was simply too delicious and she slipped back into it with ease.

A short dream played, of gardens and picnics. And Will hung down from a tree and kissed her forehead. It was a warm kiss, the kind that sent shocks all the way down to your toes.

She sighed and realized she must be waking up. The warmth was still sending lovely electricity down the length of her body and she didn't want it to end. And then she heard a deep chuckle above her.

Her eyes drifted open and she saw Will pulling his face back from her forehead. He'd kissed her. It wasn't the dream.

His dark steel eyes seemed lighter in the morning, not as sharp. His lips were a red that seemed enticing and delectable. Her fingers reached up to play with them.

He smiled even as her finger left an indentation in his lower lip.

"Good morning."

His voice was so deep. Had it always sounded this way?

She sighed and closed her eyes again. Pulling herself into the warmth of the covers and finding its source. Her arms wrapped about his waist.

And then her eyes shot open.



"Are you...naked?"

He chuckled and she tried to untangle herself from him. But he grasped her struggling shoulders and pulled her to him instead.

"I'm not wearing a sleep shirt. I cannot abide by them. They're loose and tangle about my throat and I can't breathe properly."

"But! You!"

He released her and she sat up, turning her face away from him.

"Please put something on."

His laughter was throaty with morning grog. His arms shot about her waist once more and pulled her into him. She shrieked.


"I am wearing something. My nakedness is only from the waist up."

Curiosity apprehending her sensibilities, she turned her head to look at him.

The blankets had fallen back and she saw his abdominal muscles, taut and defined. His back and shoulders bulged with strength, and he twisted to have his lean arms grip her. The man was all sinew and little softness.

"And what do you think of your husband?"

She glanced down at his face peering up at her from just below her ribcage at her right side. He had that impossible half grin and teasing dimple on display, and his eyes had regained some of their waking levity and sharpness.

"I think he's being silly and we ought to get up and be dressed for the day."

His face turned down and for a moment she thought he would let her go. Instead, he turned his mouth to the side and nibbled at her waist.


He chuckled and pulled at her so that she was flung across him and he still had a grip about her waist.

"An unfortunate side effect to matrimony it seems. My appetite has increased and even canabalism sounds appealing at the moment."

She flicked him on the forehead.

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