19. Try As You Might

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It was no use.

Chammielle turned in her bed. The lovely feel of the down bedding seemed off. She could not sleep. The events of the day played over and over in her mind.

The wine, the concert, the dinner, and the revelation that the Butcher of Leians was her new tutor in all things underhanded and bloody were on loop. What had she become? What was the point of her being here?

She sat up, holding her head in her hands.

She wanted to meet with the Duchess, explain she was not cut out for this. Tell her to send her and her sisters home where they were safe and away from all the dark underbelly of the Pink Palace. They weren't safe. She didn't feel safe. Would they ever be again?

Yes. When Aster was wed to the Prince. They'd be safe then.

Knowing what she knew now, she wondered if these things would keep happening even after the wedding. A phony delegation had kidnapped Princess Violet. Sir Rose had saved her, but what were the odds of someone being so loyal to the new princess they'd risk their own life for her if that were to happen again?

No. She would. She knew she would. Her sisters were everything to her. If anyone tried to harm them she would lay down her own life to see them safe again. It was why she was doing all of this.

But how could she live with herself now?

She slipped out of bed and began pacing. Her room was locked and she couldn't leave. She wanted to go and play, play so that her mind could be soothed. The evening had worn on so that she didn't know the hour, but even still she felt the need to leave this room.

She went to the window.

For the first time she saw the view from her own room. It was overlooking the training barracks and stables. An odd position for a guest's room to not see the beautiful grounds, but definitely a safe one.

She tried the lock and found it wouldn't budge. She stepped silently to the vanity and found some of the pins Belladonna used for her hair. Quickly she tried to loosen the slender bolt holding it all together.

There was a click and the window came open.

She was still in her nightdress but didn't care. Her foot went over the sill without her thinking to do it. Just for a while, she needed to feel free.


She started and looked back. Violet was at her door. She'd unlocked it and was peering in at her. The surprise on her face reminded her how this looked.

"I really needed some fresh air."

The princess nodded and stepped into the room.

"It's alright. I understand. Better than anyone. Belladonna told me about your confrontation in the hall. These things happen, and I am so sorry you're going through this. But I am also glad."

She swung her foot back inside. The princess was also wearing her night clothes, ruffles from throat to toe and a purple velvet robe tied around her. V went and sat on the edge of her bed and patted the space in the middle of it. Chammielle came and sat opposite of her, tucking her knees up and hugging them.

"I had no idea it was so dangerous just to be here..."

"If it makes you feel any better, it isn't always like this. You were very brave earlier. I don't think the Ladies will try anything like that again. And we have several agents of our own keeping watch."

She nodded but hugged herself tighter.

"I wish it did. Aster is in danger. And now the focus is on me to protect her, but I'm alright playing the bait. That man though..."

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