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Martin didn't stay at our house too long, he just let the rain stop and went home

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Martin didn't stay at our house too long, he just let the rain stop and went home. Because he still had to finish the requirements for the university, he will attend college. I was reluctant to send him home immediately because I hadn't been with him for a long time but I couldn't do anything. I can't stop him of course, he needs it.

He told me, he would come back when it was fixed and he needed to take care of it. It's really sad because I feel now that his time with me will gradually decrease. What more so in the coming days, weeks, and months? Since he is entering college, he will definitely have a lot of things to do, especially the engineering course he has chosen.

I just keep thinking about what will happen to us when school starts. We are no longer together on a campus that used to have only a few rooms between us, and every break time he would come to me. Sometimes, we even ate together in the cafeteria. He is with me whenever we have practice with my classmates for our group activity or role-playing. But—in the coming school year everything will change... everything...

What I used to be used to for almost a year, with him always with me is not going to happen like that anymore... maybe we can handle both of that, right? I trust him. There's only one thing I really don't want to happen — for him to lose time with me. I don't want to get to the point where I feel like I have to beg for time with him.

What are these things I'm saying? It's annoying!


It's only been a week since our another year of high school started again. The swiftness with which the days passed seemed to hasten the passing of the day, I almost didn't realize that the vacation was coming to an end. Ate Stella has returned to Vigan because she still needs to enroll again and deal with her other school requirements.

Our vacation was fine even though, we have been doing it over and over again in the past few days. It's also because we don't go on vacation anywhere. Were at home all summer! We don't like to leave home, especially during the summer. The other people go to different places or other countries in when summer but we are not...


It was a good idea that Ate Elisse and I agreed to go swimming at the clubhouse here in our subdivision. Somehow before the vacation is over, we will be able to swim. We are the only ones with ate Elisse and her three children along with ate Dudez, my youngest brother Cody and Amira.

Of course, Ate Elisse also invited Martin to come with us. She's a team Martin, she is always looking for him every time she visits us in our house. I also want to, of course, I will be with Martin again before school starts next week. This is also a chance for us to be together so, I am grateful to my Ate Elisse for her great idea.

I only wore pink floral swimwear shorts and a white t-shirt at the clubhouse, since I don't like wearing a two-piece or one-piece swimsuit. And even more so Martin wouldn't let me wear short shorts, and a skirt, he forbids me to wear two pieces. Martin was wearing swimwear shorts with a black and white shirt that showed his good looks.

First Love: A Love Once Lost (Completed) Published Under Grenierielly PublishingWhere stories live. Discover now