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I hope you like the song "Your Song/My one and only you" by Parokya ni Edgar. Because i really like that song it's one of my favorites as well. 😍

Yes! What you think is right. Martin and I are in a relationship now. ..

Martin is my "First Boyfriend."

It started on October first, I finally, said yes to him. Martin is my Who could even think this? It feels that I am dreaming although I'm not asleep. And I never want to wake up. 

I just have a crush on him then, I didn't expect that we would be in a relationship that he would be mine and I would be with him.

And this is really happening now.

This day is like no other, It's the day that we choose happiness and love, and it's a day that my life will change because of him. 

Thanks to the universe for giving me such an incredible life to be loved by the man I used to I was just looking away then, I was just secretly admiring.

It's just a once in a lifetime that you will meet someone and changes everything, and surely you don't get the same feelings twice in life...

Lunchtime is approaching, can't wait for it. But I feel nervous, anxious, and so much happier now. Martin told me that we will eat together at the cafeteria to make sure that I will eat right at lunchtime.

He found out that I don't eat the right meal every lunch, I just only eat cupcakes, biscuits, bread, drinks soda, and juice which he said is not good for me.

And I knew that too...

I told Cherry and Chelle that Martin will join us in the cafeteria. And they all agreed it seems that they are excited too...


As we are waiting for Martin to come; we are retouching ourselves, and of course don't ever forget the perfume! Especially nowadays, we should always be fragrant...

After we finished Martin come into the hallway. Nick will also be joining us. Martin suddenly grabbed my hand and entwined with his and moved closer to me as we are walking our way to the cafeteria. Shocking but I'm glad he did.

His hand is a perfect fit with mine...

Oh! I inhaled his scent that made me hooked to it, finally, I could always smell his fragrant scent...I could also feel the students staring at us as we walked towards the cafeteria.

They automatically stopped and stared at us for a moment as if they are surprised that Martin holding hands with me.

Of course, this is new to them as I did. It seems like a while ago when Martin didn't have a girlfriend. It looks like the Intrams just happened and now they can see him holding hands with a girl. Of course, they will be really surprised...

"Is she, his girlfriend?"

"Omg! Martin has a girlfriend already?!"

"Aww! I can't believe this. But she's pretty."

"Oh, no! It can't be! I'm going to have a heartache."

"But she's too young for him, look she's just a freshman student."

But you can't do anything because I'm his girlfriend now!

Those are the murmurs I heard from the female students when we passed by. Perks of having a campus crush boyfriend they will really say something to you.

First Love: A Love Once Lost (Completed) Published Under Grenierielly PublishingWhere stories live. Discover now