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A couple of days go by. We are in the middle of the week, but it seems like a month has passed. I wake up at six, even though I don't have to go to the outpost. I want to train all morning and not leave the gym until I can no longer see the fatigue.

The moment I enter the canteen to have breakfast, I find Tommy, Joel, Ellie and Maria sitting at a table. I pass by the table: the adults look me up and down while Ellie greets me with a wave of her hand. I sit at the table as far away as possible. I don't see anyone else from the group coming and it worries me. After about ten minutes, I see that in the trio plus Ellie table, an argument seems to have arisen. Tommy and Ellie stand up, talk a little longer, and then I see Ellie approach my table.

"Could you come to the outpost with us? Dina was supposed to be there, but she said she's sick ..." Ellie says embarrassed. "Who else is coming?" I ask practically already standing. "Tommy and Joel" she replies. At the idea of ​​spending the next few hours with Tommy, I'm not exactly thrilled but I can't miss this commitment. I approach the trio and see Tommy's enthusiasm in seeing me again, not to mention Maria's. "Are you sure?" she asks. I nod: it is not the first time that I go to the outpost. "We have to go to the northern outpost - it's the most dangerous one but we just have to check a couple of buildings." "I'm ready" I say firmly. "Okay, then go, it's already late" says Maria.

We take the horses, the weapons and ride for at least an hour until we get to a place I've never been. There are many more or less tall buildings. We are approaching one in particular. "Why aren't there any infected around?" I ask. "Because the ones on the street we took them all out, but they were the least; these buildings are completely haunted," explains Joel. I send a look to Ellie: they all have a very concentrated expression; I try to hire it too. "Let's try to get in from the terrace up there," Tommy says, pointing to a terrace above us. "Then we will shoot towards the front door so that many go there." We all get the concept. "But how do we get to the terrace?" I ask. "I brought a rope. If you want, I can climb that tree and attempt a jump to the terrace and then fasten the rope" Ellie explains. "Are you sure you hear it, baby girl?" Joel asks softly, but always keeping a serious tone. "I've done worse " Ellie says with a shrug.

I look at the distance that separates the tree from the terrace: it's a big jump, but if Ellie is used to it, she can do it well. We see it climbing and then after a long run, a very high jump stands out. Land on your stomach on the terrace causing a loud metallic sound. We suddenly hear the screams of clickers and runners inside the surrounding houses and some start to come out. "Fuck!" Tommy exclaims pulling out his gun. "Hurry up, Ellie!" Joel exclaims also pulling out a weapon. They all start shooting; this keeps them away from us, but at the same time, it attracts others: too much noise. Ellie stares at the rope and Joel tells me to go up first. I obey. While Ellie holds the rope steady, I keep shooting at all the infected who are close behind us. In seconds, we are all on the terrace, safe and sound, at least for now.

We enter the building: we are on the second floor. We kill all the infected here and then we think of going down to the ground floor. "We can't go all together" Joel explains. "We have to get out of here as soon as possible and we are forced to divide the floors: Ellie and I go upstairs while you two go downstairs".

Tommy maintains a certain demeanor, although I know very well he wouldn't want to come with me, but I think he tries to see it professionally. "But be careful of the ground. It's all made of wood and this is a particularly humid area. In short, be careful where you put your feet" Joel always explains. We split up.

Tommy and I go down to the ground floor which turns out to be much larger than expected. "You go right " he says under his breath. I go to the right and take out all the runners present here. I retrieve what's left in the drawers and then go back to Tommy. "Done?" He asks seeing me already back. "Yes, you?" I ask. He nods. "Come here with me ... I think there are spores. Take the mask " he continues.
I take it out of my backpack and put it on. Tommy moves a plank of wood from the door, so we can go inside. "Get down, it all fell apart here" he says. I bend over and cautiously enter after Tommy. We walk slowly and despite this, the wooden planks under our feet emit almost disturbing noises. We split up: me on the left and Tommy on the right. I don't see anything but I keep walking. I go through another door and a runner jumps on me. I fall to the ground while fighting this monster. "Tommy!" I scream. The runner squirms in my arms. I can't get to the gun, much less the knife. I have to try to push him away only with the strength of my arms. I punch him in the face and stun him but then I realize there are other infected people heading towards me. In the meantime, Tommy ran over to me, he started shooting some infected but there were too many. "Run!" Shout out pointing to an exit to our right. I run and he follows me, but suddenly the floor below us collapses. We fall under a lot of rubble and wooden planks: we are trapped. We keep firing but ammo is running low. Joel and Ellie join us and luckily they heard us. They take out the remaining infected and try to move the collapsed wooden planks from the ceiling, but this only makes the situation worse. The planks keep breaking and falling on top of us: we are stuck. "We can't move them. They're too heavy " Joel says. "How the fuck is that possible? Joel, you have two arms that you could spread two men with with one finger!" Tommy exclaims more agitated than usual, perhaps by the idea of ​​being stuck and more with me.

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