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The next day, when I wake up, I'm alone and the first thought that crosses my mind is running away, finally leaving this place that is just taking away my precious time. I get out of bed but as soon as I put my leg down, I feel dizzy. Ok, Charlie, come back to bed. I keep looking at the peeling ceiling that is about to collapse above me and I try to make sense of the figures that are formed in the areas where the plaster is missing. I can't find it.

I wonder why someone hasn't arrived yet to bug me, so I try to get up, lean on a chair, get dressed and try to walk. Maybe I can arrive to the mess hall. I go out and see for the first time, the commitment and work of the people who are in this place. They are all very serious and focused but as soon as they meet someone else's gaze, they greet him with a big smile. Some who have probably recognized me even say hello to me. I am too impressed by the good humor of these people to answer. I go to the mess hall, I queue up and still have some milk and cereal. Now another problem arises, I don't see Tommy or Joel or in the absolute worst case, Maria. So I sit at an empty table on the sidelines. I eat in silence as if someone could really hear me in all this confusion. "Are these sites free?" A female voice close to me suddenly asks. I look up and see a blonde girl and a boy with two broad, very broad shoulders. I nod.

"Are you the girl they saved in the woods?" The boy asks. "I didn't need to, but yes," I reply, without even looking up. Embarrassment created. The two guys look dazed and then start eating. "Today is really cold, I think it will snow in a few days" says the boy, turning to his companion. "What snow! We are in the middle of spring!" Exclaims the girl. They giggle a bit and then they both go back to eat. "Today I have to go to the east outpost " continues the boy.

"Ah, the one where people fuck?" The girl asks.


"And who are you going with?"

"Guess what..."

"Another time with Dina?" The girl asks, almost annoyed. The boy nods. I finish my cereal and get up. "Anyway, I'm Allison," the girl says before I leave. "And I'm Glenn, nice to meet you ... Charlie, right?" the boy continues."Did Tommy also tell you how many stitches they put in my leg?" Responding abruptly. The two boys are struck by this strong statement of mine."Actually, Maria told us. You know, your name has been accompanied by several adjectives in the last two days," continues Serena. I'm about to say to fuck off when I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Charlie! What are you doing here?" Tommy. "I was hungry," I reply, almost happy to see."Do you want me to take you back to your room?". "No, no, I'll do it by myself," I say sending one last dirty look to those two.

I leave the cafeteria and limp to my closet. Suddenly, in a slightly narrow alley, I cross a small group of boys and girls with backpacks on their shoulders who are advancing towards the gate. Maybe they're going to one of those "outposts" everyone's talking about. Suddenly, one of them hits me and I fall."Fuck, the leg!" I exclaim feeling severe pain. "Hey, be careful, holy shit!" He exclaims before turning around. But then she realizes that I am the idiot invalid who is staying here with them. "Oh, fuck, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean ... let me help you," she says. I look up and realize that she is still that red-haired girl who is always with Joel and Tommy. "No, I can do it " I say and I try to get up but I can't do it and I scream in pain. "She can't do it, Ellie! We have to lift her!" Exclaims a boy next to her. Suddenly I see a bloodstain spreading across the stitches. "Fuck, the wound has reopened!" I exclaim. The one everyone calls "Ellie" seems in total panic and doesn't know what to do. The boy then approaches me and takes me in his arms. "Ellie? Ellie? Are you there?" Asks another girl from the group. They keep talking but after a while I stop hearing because the boy is taking me to my closet. Claire is waiting for me. "Her wound has reopened" says my savior, surprisingly calm, leaning gently on the bed. Claire, becoming aware of the situation, begins to prepare things to get my stitches back. "Thanks Jesse, you can go," says the doctor. "I'll leave you in really good hands" says this "Jesse" winking at me, before going out.

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