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Can you take a look at yourself? So fucking pathetic. You regret what you have turned into, don't you? I do. I know I do with everything I have and have turned into. I snapped out of my thoughts when Romeo walked by and slapped my ass. "Thought I'd be annoying and make you get out of your deep thoughts." He said and placed a kiss on my lips.

"Are you feeling better after yesterday?" I asked and placed my arms around his neck. Romeo nodded and kissed my forehead this time, making my heart beat harder than before.  I hated that feeling, it makes me so fucking annoyed at myself for being in love with an idiot.

"I'm going to work for the night. You'll manage to be with Antonio here, right?" He asked me. I nodded my head and hummed a yes in response. "I just wish we could put all this mafia stuff away and just get a plane and live somewhere else and far away from here. I don't see how you aren't tired of this lifestyle."

"Let's just run away like a goddamn cliche. Does it sound that bad?" I questioned him when he rolled his eyes at me. "You know that's not possible. I can't leave everything behind." Romeo told me and removed the arms that I placed around his neck.

I don't know why my stomach sank when I heard him say that. I guess I just expected more from him. I always do and get proved wrong. I felt my eyes swell up with tears but closed my eyes and forced myself to push them away. No emotions right now. I walked past him but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me right back to him.

"I should have left this shit hole when I could," I whispered and removed my wrist from his touch. I went upstairs and lay down in my bed. Or should I say his bed? This isn't my house and I certainly can't call it home. I pulled the covers over me and closed my eyes while humming an unknown melody. A sudden thought went through my mind as I got up and began unzipping the pillows.

Nothing. I moved onto the nightstand and found a gun, it was fully loaded. I had heard Romeo leave the house earlier which meant Antonio was the only one left. But I had to remind myself of the fucking guards that went around everywhere in the house.

I kept it in my right hand as I sat down on the floor and put my left hand under the bed while trying to reach for something. I could feel something, so I pulled it out and saw a computer. I opened it up, no password which weirded me out. It creeped me more out when I saw a file named 'SIENNA' so I clicked on it.

I watched the video that came up and gasped. How did he get that footage? And what fucking idiot hides it under the bed? Maybe he wanted me to see it. He wanted me to see the trauma again. I flinched when I watched my mom get shot all over again, almost like I wasn't there. I clicked on the Next button and saw something that made my stomach hurt even more.

Me losing my virginity to my first boyfriend. Why and how did he get this? I clicked on the Next button once again and watched myself shooting my father. Suddenly Russian letters came up all over the screen and made me realize that it never was Romeo, it was Andrei.

'CHECK THE BACK OF THE COMPUTER' There stood in caps. I slowly turned the computer around as I heard the ticking sound. It's a bomb, there was a fucking bomb on the computer. I slid it back under the bed and ran out of the room and down the stairs.

"Antonio! There's a bomb in the bedroom!" I yelled out in the whole house. "Antonio! There's a fucking bomb—" I got cut off by the windows breaking. I stopped in my tracks and looked around, slowly pointing the gun around. I walked over to the kitchen while pointing the gun around in the air. I looked down at the floor and saw Harper laying unconscious with blood running down her face, her stomach had gotten bigger. I gasped and tried to get her up.

"Harper, wake up! We have to get out of here." I whispered while slapping her face in hope that she would wake up. The tears streamed down my face and my hands were shaking too much to even keep the gun in my hands. Antonio and the guards came running into the kitchen as they looked around to assure that she came alone.

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