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Floris set his phone up at an angle where Y/N could watch him peacefully sleep. She took a moment to stare at her phone. The Dutch boy took slow, deep breaths as he was falling asleep. His hair covered his eyes but she could see his slight smile as he nuzzled deeper into his pillow. She giggled at the cute sight and took her phone with her out to the kitchen.

In the kitchen was still the image of her and Jared sitting on the island. She reached for the frame and took a good look at the photo inside. The two looked so happy- it was from their first Christmas together. The snow was falling and he had his arm around her. She had been wearing his jacket since it was so cold outside. She grimaced at the idea of Jared and her and turned the frame to take it apart. She moved the pins and pulled the backside of the photo frame to reveal the back of the photo. She took the photo out, and looked at it one more time. There wasn't a single emotion that changed. She didn't like Jared. Y/N then proceeded to tear up the photograph. It wasn't like she wanted to remember anything the two had done together, so it was best that the photo was gone from her sight, forever.

After tearing up the photograph, she went to the fridge. The entire time, she kept her phone in hand. Floris had been sleeping peacefully on the other side. She muted her end so that he would t have to hear her shuffling around, but he wasn't muted. If she paid close enough attention, she could hear the Dutch breathing slowly in and out. She reached for the fridge handle and Pookie came running to see what was going on. Y/N smirked at her dog's curiosity and reached into the fridge for a bag of carrots. She tossed Pooki a couple before going back to look for herself. She pulled out a box of pizza that she had leftover from the other night. On the screen, Floris was still sleeping peacefully. She smiled at his adorable face and then went back to her box of pizza. She took out two slices and laid them on a napkin in the microwave. Tonight was a lazy night.

Beep beep

Her pizza was finished.

She removed the pizza from the microwave and took it to the island to sit and eat it. She propped her phone up against the napkin holder to watch Floris sleep while she ate. He woke up for a split second.

"Whatcha eating liefje?" Y/N unmuted her call.

"Some pizza," she smiled, showing him the slice of pepperoni pizza. He chuckled tiredly.

"Looks delicious," he whispered, getting a little closer to the camera. He got close enough to smooch the camera, which he did. "I'm really tired~"

"I know you're tired. Go to bed sweetheart,"

"Okie," he cooed softly, "I love you, Y/N,"

"I love you too, Floris. Now get some sleep," she spoke. He smiled and cuddled his pillow again. She muted herself to make sure that she or Pooki wouldn't wake him up.

She continued to eat her pizza while watching Pooki play with her tennis ball.

"Pooks!" she called. Pooki came running with the ball in her mouth. "Fetch!" she tossed the ball to the door. Pooki ran and grabbed the ball, and then came back to give it to Y/N. "Good girl!" she praised, rubbing between Pooki's ears. "Go get it again!" she tossed it again, a little bit farther this time. She watched as Pooki grabbed the ball and laid down. Pooki found a comfy spot to lay and chew on her ball, something she did frequently. Y/N chuckled and went back to eating her food. After she was finished with the pizza, she tossed out the napkin and took her phone to her room.

"Alrighty," she said out loud to herself as she moved her chair so she could sit down. She had the idea to stream, so she was going to go for it. She set her phone up against the monitor- that way she could watch Floris, or if he needed her, she was there. She logged on to Minecraft, Discord, and Streamlabs. After the applications were pulled up, she got into a voice chat and set her stream music. She pulled her pink microphone closer to her face and then switched her screen to Streamlabs to make sure she looked okay. Y/N looked at herself closely on Streamlabs. She looked just fine. She took the StreamLabs window and moved it to her second monitor, and then went back to her main screen.

It looked like nobody else was extremely active on the DreamSMP discord server. She shrugged and got her Minecraft ready. As soon as it loaded up, she clicked multiplayer and then DreamSMP. When she got on the server, she immediately pressed tab to see who was online.


Ooh, Phil was online! Y/N hadn't spoken to Phil in a while. Nothing bad happened, she just hadn't had the time. Excitedly, she moved her character from where her and Floris had logged off, to Phil's small hut, which wasn't too far from her house. She wasn't sure that he was there, but she thought it would be worth a try to check. She ate a cooked salmon before running to make sure that her hunger bar wouldn't drop down any more.

When she got all the way to Phil's house, he wasn't there. Sighing, she went to her second monitor to start her stream. Maybe it would just be her tonight.

As the viewers started piling in, she greeted them all and answered a few donations regarding her last stream.

"Alrighty guys!" she announced, "today we are going mining for some netherite. As you know, I'm quite far behind on the server. I only have diamond armor, so it's time to go look for an upgrade!"

As she ram towards the nether, she was hopeful that someone else would be there as she didn't really want to stream alone. To her surprise, the notification that someone joined her call played in her ear.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Hey!" replied a familiar voice.

"Phil!" she exclaimed, "how are you?! I missed you! Guys, Philza Minecraft is here!" Phil laughed.

"I'm doing just fine, Y/N. What are you up to on the server right now?" he asked.

"I thought you would never ask, o creator of the Craft! I'm going netherite mining. Wish to join me?"

"Of course I'll join. I'll meet you in the Nether," he replied, stifling a laugh.

The two went on the stream for a few hours. They mined and mined but had false luck. Y/N only ended up with 4 Ancient Debris, which was enough to make one netherite bar. Phil ended up with two debris, but he didn't really need any. He was clad with netherite armor and tools, so he was merely interested in helping her to find the netherite instead of himself. He only kept the two Ancient Debris because he had two more at home.

"Thanks for all your help, Phil, you're great!" she exclaimed, smiling brightly at her camera.

"Of course," he replied, "anything you need. I missed streaming with you,"

"Likewise," was her response, "it's getting kind of late guys so thanks for stopping by!" she waved to her stream before ending it. Once it was off, it was just Phil and her alone in the call.

"So, you and Fundy, eh?" he chuckled.

How did he know?!


wow a long ass chapter! this felt so good to write so i hope you all enjoy this !

words: 1306

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