003- 𝐿𝑂𝑉𝐸

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warnings: none

Y/N did not sleep at all that night. She spent hours upon hours tossing and turning and fixating her gaze upon her popcorn ceiling. What had she done to Floris? Why was he so upset all of a sudden? Was it something she said? Last she knew she was on good terms with him, and she didn't want it to be any other way.

After aimlessly trying to sleep she jumped at the ear-shattering noise of her alarm clock.

"6 am..." she mumbled to herself as she lazily stumbled out of bed. "Good morning, girl!" she called out to her dog. Down the hall, Pooki came running and jumped into her arms. "There's my girl!" she exclaimed, giving Pooki a nice long hug. Pooki decided that giving Y/N lots of kisses was an excellent way to brighten her day. "Thank you, Pooks," Y/N cooed as she laid Pooki back on the ground. She followed the red-merle shepherd out of her room and into the kitchen. "Who's ready for breakfast?" Y/N called, dumping Pooki's food into the bowl. As soon as the food fell, Pooki went running and barking at her bowl. Y/N laughed as Pooki scarfed her food down. Somewhere deep inside she felt a pang of guilt. She was still thinking about everything that happened with Floris. He had been acting weird and she couldn't find any reason as to why. All she wanted to do was confide in her best friend and talk, but he wasn't receptive. Shrugging it off, she picked up Pooki's bowl since she was done eating. "Taste good, girl?" She asked, looking down at the dog. Pooki did a spin and sat down, giving Y/N her best puppy eyes. Y/N laughed and patted her dog's head.

When looking at the time, Y/N had realized that it was time to go do some work. Being a full-time streamer had its pros and cons- a pro being no socialization, and a con also being no socialization. Being alone all the time made things difficult, but there was always Jared to keep her company. (YEAH I MET JARED, OF COURSE, I'VE MET JARED) Sighing, Y/N contemplated the idea of asking Jared to come over to keep her company while she was working. While she had quite the workload, she wasn't sure she wanted to be alone. Jared was off from work today to visit the doctor, but he always scheduled his appointments for early in the morning so he had the rest of the day to do whatever. Usually, while she was working, Y/N would speak with Floris or George. Y/N and George weren't the closest of friends, but she enjoyed his company nonetheless. She enjoyed assisting George with his own love life issues with Dream. He occasionally would hint at the idea of a long-distance relationship himself, but he knew he wasn't ready for it.  Y/N had no idea of the perils of long-distance, but she assisted George as much as she could. He always reciprocated, helping her in any way he could. Unfortunately, she wasn't in the mood to talk with George, and she most certainly wanted to avoid Floris after the whole fiasco that happened the night before.

Reluctantly, she dialed Jared's number on her phone. Something felt wrong to her about inviting him over, but they had been together for two years now. There shouldn't be anything strange about having her boyfriend over... She pressed the call button and held the phone up to her ear. After a few sequences of dial tones, Jared picked up on the other end.

"Good morning," Jared said.

"Yeah, morning," Y/N groaned sleepily.

"You sound tired. Did you get any sleep last night?" he asked, sounding worried.

"No. Didn't get any sleep at all. Late night."

"Were you up streaming?" he asked.

"Yeah. With Fundy." she yawned. An awkward silence accumulated in the call for a minute.

"You know how I feel about him. He's suspicious, Y/N," Jared deeply growled. Y/N took a second to step away from the call. She knew that Jared had been skeptical of Floris for a while since the two of them were always streaming and calling together. She had been grateful for the amount of trust that Jared had instilled in her, but she could tell that it was starting to slip.

"Jared, you know he's just a friend..." she trailed off. Jared was silent once again for an awkward minute.

"Yeah. Just don't like the guy, but it's whatever. What's up?" he asked, changing the subject completely.

"Yeah, uh, do you want to come over today? I have a lot of work to do and I want some company. I also want you to take Pooki on a walk for me. I'm not sure I can devote enough time to her today- that's how much work I have to do," Y/N cringed at the volume of work she knew she had accumulated.

"Sure. Of course, I'll come over," Jared replied kindly, "I'll be there in a few."

"Sounds good. I'll be working in my office when you get here." Y/N answered.

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too."

Y/N hung up.

Something felt so wrong about having Jared over. What were these sudden feelings of resentment? The words Floris spoke last night rang over in her head;

"He's using you, Y/N"

She could still hear that. It was haunting her. Shaking her head to clear her mind, she walked towards her PC to log on. After successfully logging on, she opened Discord to see if she had missed anything. She had 1 new notification from ItsFundy.

'Hey, Y/N, I just wanted to apologize for last night. I have no idea what got into me and I'm really sorry for all of the harsh things I said. I hope I can make it up to you somehow.'

Y/N studied the message for a second. She could hear her heart beating in her ears. She felt lightheaded for some reason- but why? Why was all of this causing such an emotional stir? As she went to type a response, she heard her front door open and Pooki started barking. She quickly closed out of the message and went onto the SMP server instead. She got up from her swivel chair to greet Jared at the door.

"Hi," she greeted Jared with a slight smile.

"Hey," he replied, motioning her over for a kiss. He lightly kissed her lips while cupping her face with his hand. When he pulled away, Y/N was smiling softly but felt off inside, once again.

"Good to see you. I'm going to go get started on my work for today. You can join me in my office if you'd like," she spoke softly, moving towards her room. Jared nodded and called Pooki to come with him. She was more than delighted to follow him at his hip- she loved Jared. As soon as Y/N was in her office, she sat down in her comfy chair and started to work. She had a plethora of tasks to complete today before she got to stream. She had to compile a schedule for the next two weeks, decide what games to play, reach out to fellow streamers to see who is interested in collaborating with her... It was a lot. On top of that, she decided that she was going to clean out the fans on her PC today as well. She usually cleaned them once a week but decided to clean them again this week in the fear that any dust had accumulated in them.

After a few hours of tirelessly working, Jared spoke up.

"You hungry?" he asked. Y/N swiftly spun in her chair to meet his gaze. He was sprawled out on the sofa, playing a game on his phone.

"Yeah, actually I am pretty hungry. Can you get a pizza or something?" she asked with a smile. Jared nodded in response and dialed a pizza place on his phone.

"You want delivery?" he spoke up before anyone picked up on the other end. Y/N nodded without turning around to look at him. She was focused on having a conversation with Ranboo and Tubbo about the new lore that was being added.

Once the pizza had arrived, Jared gave her two slices on a plate. In exchange for a thank you, she gave him a kiss on the cheek. She then returned to her work- she was now deciding on what games she was going to play for the next two weeks. She was in the middle of composing a detailed explanation for her plans on the SMP when a call from Ranboo interrupted her thoughts. She put on her headset and accepted the call.

"Hey, Y/N," Ranboo said cheerfully, "can we talk? It's about Fundy," he added, his voice dropping down quite a bit. Y/N felt her heart sink into her chair.

words: 1536 (the most yet !)

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