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warnings: you may cry bc i almost did writing this <3 also some laNGUAGE

Y/N's eyes welled up as she tried to process the message that Floris had sent. Not sure she had read it right, she went through it a second time.

Dearest Y/N,

Thank you for all you have done for me. For the past year, you have been one of my closest friends. Spending time with you has been like an escape from reality for me, and I couldn't be more grateful to have you as a friend. I have something to confess to you, though. As much as I would like to do it with words, I can't bring myself to even get out of my bed.

Being your friend has been amazing, but I have always yearned for more than that. Whenever you talk about Jared around me, my heart swells with jealousy. He really doesn't treat you well, and I want you to think about that long and hard. I know that it's wrong of me to feel that way since he's your boyfriend, but I can't help it because I'm in love with you.  There's no other way of putting it. Every day when I wake up you're the first thing on my mind and every night when I fall asleep you're the last.

I hope that my confession wasn't too creepy for you, but that's only the first half. I have decided that I think it would be best if we just weren't friends anymore. I keep messing up somehow and I feel like I'm playing a large interference in your life. Really, I am trying to look out for you, but it feels like I've been failing more than succeeding. More than anything I wanted to be the best friend that I could, but I have failed. I am sorry.

You don't have to respond to any of this if you don't want to. I understand if you never want to talk to me again. I love you.



By the time she had finished reading his heartfelt letter, Y/N was sitting in a pool of her own tears. Too many things were rushing through her head and she wasn't able to think straight. What was Floris doing this time, pulling such a stupid stunt! Ranboo and Jack were right— Floris did like her. How she was just oblivious to his feelings all this time made her even more upset. Not sure of what to do, she went to her group chat with Jack and Wil. Her eyes scanned their messages:


what did i miss?


Nothing much, we just talked about Y/N and Fundy since ya know


LOL. yeah. sorry about the whole joke thing, Y/N, that was my fault i dared him


Good going, Wilby. Now she's traumatized


did you jUST CALL ME WILBY?!

that was the entire point, jack manifall


At least I don't eat sand


shut the fuck up

After that, she wasn't able to read anymore. Her salty tears clouded her eyesight- all she could make out was the call button. She called Jack and Wilbur, praying that at least one of them would pick up. Her hands were shaking and she was a total mess, but honestly, she didn't care. Pooki sat at her side next to her gaming chair.

After what felt like an eternity of ringing, Wilbur finally picked up, and Jack followed.

"Y/N?" Wilbur stammered, looking at her tear-clad face, "what happened?" he asked with sincerity in his voice. Jack mumbled a small 'oh no' under his breath. Y/N took a shaky breath and began to explain everything from the beginning all the way to the letter she found this morning. She made sure to fill Wilbur in on the call that he missed last night. In between her explanation, she took breaks to occasionally sob into her pillow. All of this just seemed to be too much. The two Brits sat there patiently as she finished her explanation. Wilbur looked up to speak to her.

"You know, Y/N, I feel horrible about this, but he's liked you for a long time. In fact, I was one of the first people he told," Wilbur spoke softly. Y/N looked at Wilbur on the monitor. The look on his face reflected his sincerity towards her.

"You were the first, Wil. That's what Floris told me. I didn't want to say anything because I know you have a boyfriend, Y/N, and I didn't want to be the one responsible for causing any tribulation in your relationship with Jared or Floris," Jack admitted. Jack's honest response didn't really cause Y/N to feel any better about the whole situation, but it gave her more understanding of just how long this had accumulated. She took a deep breath before wiping her eyes with her blanket.

"I had no idea," she said, tears in her eyes, "and I don't want our friendship to end. I love Floris, as a friend. I think he has given me some very valuable insight as of recently and I just don't know what to do," she cried, once again breaking into a sobbing mess.

"It's okay, Y/N," Jack reassured from the other side.

"We will help you through this," Wilbur added, "and I'm sorry if I caused any extra problems for you. I will make this up to you," he promised. Y/N only nodded in response. She was too busy drowning in her own tears and thoughts to produce an audible response.

The three sat in silence for a moment- the only thing breaking it being Y/N sniffling and wiping the tears from her face. Once she was able to see again, she looked back up at her monitor.

"Y/N..." Jack spoke softly, "I'm really sorry. Wait- let me talk to him,"

"No," she interjected, "I can take care of it, Jack, but thank you for the thought. I just can't understand my feelings right now. He loves me yet he doesn't want to talk to me anymore..." she trailed off, wiping her eyes once again.

"I don't know, he's liked you for quite some time but I think he's just getting jealous. Too jealous to the point that he's afraid it'll ruin your friendship so he'd rather end it than hurt you more," Wilbur said boldly. The expression plastered on Wilbur's face was one of grief and guilt- that he had done something wrong.

"Wilbur... Are you sure?" Y/N asked. She didn't want to promote any false information... Wilbur sighed, standing up out of his chair. He stretched his arms and then sat back down with his forehead in his palms.

"Yes," he mumbled, "because I knew about all of this already," he admitted. Y/N looked up at her camera, wide-eyed. Wilbur had known this entire time and didn't think to tell her? "The only reason I didn't say anything is because he asked me to keep it on the down-low. Floris didn't want to start any unwanted drama so he decided to tell me because he thought I could keep a  secret," Y/N was surprised, to say the least, about Wilbur's sudden confession.

"I think I should go... This seems like a conversation more suited for the two of you," Jack awkwardly interrupted. Y/N solemnly waved goodbye before it became just her and Wilbur in the call.

"So you knew about this the entire time?" she asked. Wilbur shook his head.

"Yeah, and Jack knew some of it but not everything. He was aware that Floris had feelings, but Floris hadn't told him the extent of the situation like he had told me."

"So, you knew everything?" Wilbur's response was only a head-nod 'yes'. "I-I need to go..." Y/N spoke hurriedly.

"Please, Y/N, is everything alright?" Wilbur gasped.

"Yes, everything is fine. I just need to go," she waved, frantically ending the call. She had gathered all of the information she needed and it was now time to confront Floris.


shEESH WASSUP BABY !! chapter 9 is done and i'm so sorry that this took me ages i was at a thingy all weekend and i am exhausted from traveling- especially considering i drove 3 hours late at night and HOOH am i tired. ok but its done with sorta a rough ending but i'm making that up next chapter so yw. i hope u are well! stay well !

words: 1280

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