Chapter 4 💥

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Bakugou Pov:

I stood in front of Aizawa as the police went up to the door. Before the officer could push the button though, a huge and strong man smashed through the gate, sending police officers flying.

"Help them!"

Aizawa, Deku, and I caught the officers and lowered them to the ground. The man that I had caught was thanking me, but I was focused on the big guy. He was Rikiya Katsukame, one of the people in the information packet.

I used my explosions to boost myself toward him when the pro hero Ryuku changed into a dragon and held him off.

"The Ryuku Agency will take care of this! Go save Y/N and Eri!"

I shot an explosion in his face before I followed the other heroes inside the building. We raced down the halls until we reached an indent in the wall with a flower vase. Sir Nighteye pushed a tile and the wall opened up.

Three men came running out.

"Like you could get past us!"

Sir Nighteye's sidekicks took care of them quickly while we ran down the stairs, only to be met by a dead end.

"It's a dead-end! What's going on Nighteye?!"

"I'll check!"

Mirio pulled on his helmet to peek through, but I pushed him to the side. I aimed an explosion at the wall, and sure enough, there was a hallway behind it.

I crawled through the opening in the wall and entered the hallway, the rest of the heroes following behind me.  I looked around the hallway, looking for any doorways, and I saw it. I saw a trapdoor on the right side of the end of the hallway.

I didn't tell anyone where I was going and I just ran. I was halfway there when the walls and floor started to move.

"Stupid villains! Knock it off!"

Obviously, they didn't listen. I blasted through the swirling walls, never looking back. My mission was to save Y/N, and I wasn't going to fail because Bakugou Katsuki doesn't fail!

I shot through the twisting walls and finally reached the trapdoor. It had a passcode on it, but an explosion was all that it took to get past it. I slipped under it and fell to a different level.

The hallway only went in one direction, so that's where I went. I sprinted down the halls, listening for any noise until I heard people talking around the corner.  I slowed down and moved closer to hear their conversation.

"She's not going to last much longer. Don't know why the boss had us guard her."

I snuck past the corner and walked up behind them. 

"Maybe, he put you here so that I could actually have some fun!"

I shot towards them and grabbed their heads. I slammed their heads together and they stumbled in opposite directions. I kicked one guard's feet out from under him and turned the other one to face me. I kneed them in the gut and he folded over.

The first guard stood up and staggered around the floor. I grabbed his shirt collar and threw him into the wall, using my explosions to boost him. His head hit the wall with a sickening crack and his body fell to the floor.

I turned to the other guard with my hand held out in front of his face.

"Pretty pathetic that two of you lost to one person, but then again, it is me. Now DIE!!!!"

The explosion knocked the guard out and I kicked him out of the way so that I could get to the cell.

The cell was dark and I could hear shaky breaths coming from the far corner. I exploded the lock and opened the door.

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