Chapter 1 💥

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Y/N Pov:

I heard heavy footsteps from the end of the hallway. I grabbed the chain around my ankles and held it to keep it from making any noise as I scurried to the farthest corner from my cell door. I gently set down the chain and pulled my knees to my chest. I held my breath and made myself as small as possible. 

The footsteps stopped outside my cell and I buried my face in my knees.

"I know that you're in there Y/N."

I stayed silent even though my lungs were screaming for air. I silently lifted my head and saw the man's silhouette through the bars.

"You know how this goes, Y/N. It's you or Eri. Make your choice."

Memories of the one time that I met Eri flashed through my mind. I was being brought to my cell while a guard brought her to a different room. As soon as she saw me, she ran from the guard and latched onto my legs. I had wrapped my arms around her, but our captors didn't like that. They pulled Eri out of my arms and dragged her away. She was screaming and trying desperately to escape.

I fought against the guards, using the moves that my dad had taught me. I knocked out one guard, but one of the others knocked me over the head. My vision had faded into black and the last thing that I had heard was Eri's screams.

I had only met Eri once, but I couldn't put her through any more torture. Especially when I know that hers is just as bad as mine.

I took a deep breath and stood up. I dragged my feet across the cold cement floor and to the door. The guard opened the door and grabbed my arm. He started to walk away as my feet got tangled in their chains. I tripped and he let me fall.

What would dad think of me now? He taught me so much, but I wasn't able to use it. If they gave me more food I might be able to escape, but they only feed me enough to keep me alive.

"Get up. The boss wants you now."

I struggled to my feet and followed the guard down the hall and into the room that haunted my nightmares. The experimenting room.

My legs started to shake, but the man just shoved me inside. I hit the floor and I heard a gasp from the other side of the room. I forced myself up and saw that Eri was on the other side of the room.

"You said that if I came she wouldn't have to!"

The man who lead me here just shrugged.

"It's your fault for trusting me."

All of the times that I took torture so that she didn't have to, was it all a lie? Did she still get hurt instead of just me?

I scrambled over to Eri and she hid in my arms. Her small body shook as I held her, but so was mine. 

Overhaul walked out of the shadows and I felt my blood run cold.

"Since you both showed up, I can finally tell you what's going to happen. Y/N, you will move to Eri's room. You will be tortured and you will teach her how to control her quirk to heal you. You'll teach her how to use it so that we can learn more about how it works. And if she goes too far, oh well. You're replaceable."

Eri looked up at me with wide eyes full of tears.

"It's going to be okay, Eri."

"No. No, it won't, but go ahead and lie to her. Take Eri back to her room. This new system starts today."

A guard pulled Eri from my weak arms and dragged her out of the room. She was crying, but the guard's steps didn't falter.

Once we couldn't hear her screams, Overhaul looked at me.

"Get in the chair."

It was easier for me to listen, so I sat on the chair. He strapped me down and got out all of his torturous tools with a sick grin on his face.

Once he finished, a guard grabbed me and flung my body over his shoulder. I wasn't dead, but that seemed like a better option than this. My body was too tired to move. My stomach was begging for food, but no one cared. 

The guard carried me to a room that I've never seen before and opened the door. He lifted me off of his shoulder and dropped me onto the ground before shutting the door.

I just laid on the floor, in too much pain to move. I heard light footsteps running toward me and then I felt small hands lifting my head.

"I'm so sorry that I couldn't stop them! I tried so hard!"

Tears were pouring out of Eri's eyes as she helped me sit up. She ran to her bed and pulled off a sheet. She handed it to me with trembling hands, and I used it to wipe away some of the wet blood.

"Do you know how to use your quirk, Eri?"

She shook her head as she sniffled.

"Try imagining turning on a light switch."

Eri held her hand out to me, her eyes closed in concentration. Her eyebrows scrunched together as she tried, but nothing happened. She opened her eyes and more tears fell.

"I'm so sorry! I wish that I could help you!"

I tore the sheet apart and wrapped it around my injuries so that they wouldn't get infected. I opened my arms for her and she jumped into them, desperately clinging to me.

The pain hadn't gone away, but I hid it as well as I could. I wrapped my arms around her back. She was shaking as she cried and I stroked her hair.

"It's going to be okay, Eri. We'll get out of this together."

Eri's tiny arms squeezed my waist even tighter and a sad smile found its way onto my face. I knew that getting her out of here would be hard enough. There was no way that both of us would make it, so I would put everything that I had into helping her escape.

I'm back! I promise it won't all be this sad! Thank you for reading! 🥰 😘

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