Chapter 24 💥

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Y/N Pov:

I pulled his hand away from his head and dragged him closer to me.

"You won't hurt me again. I know that you won't."

Bakugou accepted my hug and I patted his back.

"What happened when we were training?"

He pulled out of the hug and I gently wiped away his tears.

"I got so mad that you were going to the dance with stupid Deku! Why would you want to go with him?!"

"I'm not going with Midoryia, but even if I was, you shouldn't get that mad."

"It was awful, Y/N! I could see myself doing it, but I couldn't stop! It was like I could only watch myself do it! I'm sorry. I feel so awful that I hurt you!"

He looked away and I sighed.

"I'm glad that you didn't mean to hurt me, but you need to learn to control your anger."

"How can I make it up to you?"

"I'm really tired, so maybe, if I took a nap, Recovery Girl would be able to heal me more."

He got off of the bed and grabbed a pillow and blanket off of the floor. He shook them to get all of the glass shards off.

He put them back on his bed and I laid down.

"I really am sorry, Y/N."

I tried to find a comfortable position on his bed.

"I know that you are. I should be ready to forgive you once I'm healed."

I snuggled into his blanket and closed my eyes. I was still in pain, but eventually, my tiredness took over and I fell asleep.

Bakugou Pov:

Y/N's breathing evened out as I cleaned my room. She must be asleep.

I could still picture her injured body in my mind. It wasn't as bad as when I saved her from Overhaul, but it was close.

It destroyed me to know that she might see me like that monster.

I threw away all of the glass shards and strips of paper. I picked up the picture of Y/N and smiled.

I got this picture in the car on the way to the hero event. She was so happy that night.

I looked at her peaceful face as she slept and frowned.

I ruined any chance that I had with her.

Once my room was clean, I left her there to sleep as I went to the common room. I sat beside Kirishima and hid my face in a pillow.

"What is it, man?"

"I messed up any chance that I had with Y/N."

I lifted my head ad he looked at me with a frown.

"Were you the one who hurt her like that?!"

I nodded my head and Kirishima looked disappointed.

"How can I fix this, Kirishima?"

"She's going to the dance, right?"

I nodded my head.

"Get her flowers. Maybe surprise her with something nice. And you have to apologize to her! Be a man and let her know that you regret it!"

"She's wearing a red dress. I'll get her white flowers then! What else should I get her?"

"I don't know! Jewelry or you could get her food!"

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