Chapter 12

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I got mad and said "what the hell Christian," he said " I want you back", I walked away I say Matt at a table with his friends, I went to sit down and he looked at me and said " hey I got you a vodka cranberry." before he could finish his words I drinked it quick and matt looked at me. Matt said "are you okay," I said "yeah I'm okay, just saw someone I knew," he said "so who is it?" I said "it's Christian." I saw Matt angry through his face and he said "where is he," I said "I don't know, I just left." He said "did he do anything to you," I said "no," he said "okay." Matt started putting his hands on my waist and pulling me towards him, and he started talking to his friends while I'm sitting there listening to the conversation.

2hrs later

We got up from our seats and Matt was saying bye to his friends and I was just standing there. I felt someone grab my hand and yanked me from Matt. Matt grabbed me and pushed me beside him and punched the guys and soon as the guy fell down it was Christian and I gasped as I saw Christian. I looked at Matt and I said "wait for me outside, I'll deal with this," he said "okay." I kissed Matt on the cheek and he went.

I helped Christian up and I said "I made you laugh while you made me cry, you cheated on me," i he said "I know, but she didn't mean anything to me, I love you." I started crying again and I said "That's it. That's the end." Christian looked at me and I saw a tear on him and he kissed me passionately and he whispered something to me and he said "goodbye willow."

3 months later

Christian moved to Miami a couple a weeks ago and I was still in New York with Matt. Me and matt were doing really good, I visited neve sometimes but she was busy with some stuff and I started doing more movies than modelling and Christian moved on with someone and I was happy for him but I was sad after the club. A month ago I found out I was pregnant and I Matt that we were gonna have a little one and he was happy and excited but he said "is it Christian's." I told him no it his but after he said that I started think maybe it was but I stopped thinking about that.

Next day

I went to a doctors appointment by myself  to check up on my baby and see who the father is. I walked into the building and went to the front desk and I said "hi I'm here for my 2:00 p.m. appointment," the person "okay, you'll just have to take a sit and the doctor will be with you," I said "okay." I went to sit and waited for the doctor to come. It was a few minutes and I saw the doctor and she called my name, I got up I went to the room she was taking me to. I sat on the chair and the doctor said "I got some good news and bad. News, the good new is matt is the father and the baby healthy and the bad news is there is a another father." I was gasped when she said that it was Matt and Christians baby, I was silent for a few minutes and the doctor said "would you liked to know the gender," I said "no I'd like it to be a surprise."

I was done the appointment and just got home and saw Matt on the couch and I went to sit right next to him and he said "how was your appointment?" I said " it was good, the babies healthy." He smiled at me and he said "I can't wait to have this baby with you," I said "me too." After Matt said that I didn't tell it was Christians baby too.

Hey guys thanks for reading this book and it's finally done and I'll be making a pt.2 so get ready for that and i hoped it you like this last chapter and I liked to Thx my sister for helping me with this book if I didn't have my sister helping me I wouldn't have made this book. Thxs 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

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