Chapter 9

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I got up from the counter. And the lights came on and Christian was there. He said ," where the hell have you been", I said ," out with my friend", he said "2am," I said "big deal I was just out with neve." I saw Christians face getting angry. I felt a buzz in my purse and grabbed what was buzzing and it was Matt calling I walked away and went to the backyard and answered Matt's call and he said "hey," I said "hi, what are you doing?" He said "I just got back to my place, what about you," I said "same, just in the backyard talking to you." He chuckled and I smiled and he said "I want you to come with me to a movie premier to night," I said "okay sure, What time," he said "6pm I'll come get you," okay, do you have a pen and paper to write down my address." I told him my address on the phone and he said "okay I'll see you at 6pm tonight," I said "see you too." I hanged the phone and put in my purse and went inside Christian was gone. His car wasn't in the garage and it's was very quiet and I said "fuck." I yelled and went to the bedroom and started taking off my outfit and completely naked and went to bed.

2:00 p.m.

I got up from the bed and my head started pounding. I put a random shirt on because i totally forgot I was completely naked. After I put the shirt on I opened the door and started walking to the kitchen and saw nanook and I said "hey buddy." Nanook came and started jumping on me and i went to grab nanooks food. Soon as I got it he started jumping on me and barking and I said "sit  nanook." He sat and I grabbed his bowl and scoped the dog food in the bowl and I said "nanook jump." He jumped and I said "good boy." I put down his bowl and he started eating and I gave him some kisses. I went to the fridge and grabbed a few things to eat.

After I was done eating I heard my cell phone ringing and I went to grab it in the bedroom and answer it and I said "hello." It was neve and she said "wills have you seen the news yet." I didn't know what she meant and I started getting anxious and I said "what is it?" I ask her that question and she sounded anxious and she said "just turn on the tv." I went to the living room and grabbed the remote and turned it on and saw Christian on the news with pics of being naked and kissing another women. I feel down on the floor and started crying and yelling so hard and  I said "neve can you please come," she said "yes I'll be there now." I hanged up and I said "I fucked up." I was crying so hard and started getting up from the floor and started going to the bedroom and started grabbing everything I owned and packed it in my luggage bags and bunch of boxes and I heard the door opening went to check who it was.

It was Christian and i went near him and I slapped him and he said "owww, what was that for?" I said "you cheated on me Christian." I started crying again and he said "what I didn't." I started getting more angry with him and I said "DON'T LIE TO ME CHRISTIAN." He look at me and it was dead silent and I said "so your not gonna say anything." He stared at me and I yanked him to the living room and showed him that he was naked and kissing another women and I said "so this isn't you." He denied it and I started walking away from him and he started following me and  he said "what are you doing," I said "I'm leaving you," he said "come on, we can work this out." He started holding and I kept pushing him away and he kept saying I love you and I started grabbing all my stuff and I heard neve and I went passed Christian and started walking to neve and hugged her and I said "can you help me get all my stuff." I kept crying and she nodded at me and she went to get the rest of the stuff in the bedroom while I was on the couch and Christian started coming near me and he said "please don't leave darling, I love you." I started crying more harder and kept saying that to me and holding me and I started pushing him away and I said "we're done Christian, I'm leaving you." He started crying and I got up from the couch and I saw neve and she said "okay let's go," I said "okay let me grab nanook." She nodded at me and I started walking to nanook and grabbed the leash and Christian started walking to me and I went to the front door and I said "goodbye Christian."

Hey guys I hope you liked it sorry if I made it sad but I'll make it more better. Thxs  💖💖💖💖💖

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