Chapter 11

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4 months later

Christian had moved on and I was with Matt and I was happy. I moved out of neve's and brought a house and I asked Matt to move in with me and he said yes and now me and him are together and I started shooting my movie. I was getting my makeup done and I got into my clothes and started rehearsing my lines or getting into character. And a month ago me and Matt celebrated my 22th birthday we just had dinner and Matt gave me a  beautiful bracelet and I loved it. And Christian sent me something In the mail but I didn't open it at all. I've been scared of opening but today I have been thinking of it. the makeup artist said,"we are done Mrs Carter," I said,"okay, thank you," I got up an got out the trailer and headed to the set where we are shooting some scenes.

Once we I got to the shooting i saw the director coming to me and he said "hey mrs. Carter are you ready to do couple of the scenes," I said "yes I'm ready," he said "okay go, now go over there." He pointed me to where I was gonna be doing my first scene I went there and I saw Matt watching me and I smiled at him. after I smiled at him I new I had to stay control to my character. The director started shouting and he said "start."

6hrs later

I just finished shooting and saw Matt coming close to me and he said "hey beautiful." I kissed him deeply and I said "hi handsome I'm ready to go home now," he said "okay let's go." I put my head on his shoulder while we were walking to the vehicle. We got to the car and Matt started driving and I said "so how was your day?" He said "it was good I was usually home and watching nanook thats all." I smiled at him and I said "well it looks like you had a good day." He gave me a smirk and he said "want to go to the club, I want to meet some friends of mine," I said "sure, why not." He gave me a smile and grabbed my hand and kissed it and I blushed.

We got home and started walking to the front door and saw nanook and he jumped on me and I giggled while Matt was opening the door. Once the door was opened we all got in and I went to the living room and fell in the couch and turned the tv on and watched the news and Matt came after me and I let lay his head on my stomach and I brushed his hair with my fingers for a bit and Matt his head to me and I came closed to him and kiss him back and for a few minutes and Matt got up and he said "you want something to eat," I said "yes please." He chuckled at me and I threw a small pillow at him and he said "what was that for." I giggled at him and he came running to me and started tickling me and I was laughing so hard and I said "Matt stop your making me die from laughter." He stopped and went to the kitchen and I shouted at him and I said "thank you."

Matt called me and I came and and it was Kraft dinner and I went to the table. And matt sat down while passing me my bow. And I said "thank you." He smiled at me and we started eating.

After we were done eating we both started getting ready I started taking off my clothes that I had worn all day and picked out my outfit of what I was gonna wear to the club.

Hair and makeup

Hair and makeup

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Me and Matt were in the club

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Me and Matt were in the club. And Matt said "hey I'm gonna go get us some drinks," I said "okay, I'm gonna be dancing." We want our separate ways, it was a few minutes I still dancing and I felt hands on my waist. And I felt a body grinding on me, I turn around and push the guy. And I look up at him and it's Christian.

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