{Wanting Life}

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{The Next Day}

After work as usual now, (Y/N) was walking home with Jack as he lit the lights.

"Jack?" She looked up at him as he cleaned the glass of the lamp "Michael has asked me to ask you if you and the rest of the leeries, if you all wouldn't mind, helping with our moving tomorrow night?"

From shock, Jack stopped in his tracks and stayed on the ladder frozen. "Moving?" He slid down before asking "He couldn't find his father's shares?"

She shook her head and started walking forward by a step "Sadly no." He sighed heavily "But luckily Jane is allowing them to spend some time in her flat until they are able to move." The smile stayed on as she took two more.

"What are you going to do?" Jack asked.

All she could really reply with was a shrug.

Last night she thought about it and the war between Grindlewald and Dumbledore sounded like her last resort. "I'll probably go live in Scotland." She answered honestly.

Feeling courageous "Why not stay here?"

Since she was facing away, (Y/N) had to turn around and they made eye contact with each other.

Jack swallowed the lump in his throat and conjured up the courage to say "I really like you, (Y/N)." He added "I'd like to see if a romance could spark between us."

Not knowing what to do, she took a step back "I-I." She stuttered. The look in his deep brown eyes were pure love.

Jack and (Y/N) stood in front of each other, just two feet away.

"I never thought or cared about romance." The woman spoke honestly. Her voice was shaking since she was holding back tears. "That was always Kate's dream," she smiled just thinking about her "living a happy love life, and I supported it one hundred percent."

Her heart was pounding against her chest and she was positive Jack could hear it from where he stood.

"I just wanted to live and show my family that Kate and I lived without their help or love." A tear slipped from her eye and then the rest flowed down slowly.

"I wish Kate didn't die since that meant I'd live without her." Since all (Y/N) could see was tears, she pulled out her handkerchief and wiped off the tears from her chin.

"But here's the thing (Y/N)..."

Jack took a step forward and took the cloth from her hand and wiped all tears away. "What is the point of living if you don't want a life?" He asked sounding completely serious which almost never happened.

Suddenly the cloth was wiped gently against her eyelashes, and she could see that lamplighter in front of her.

He was right. She never thought about living to have a life, but only to prove that she could make one for her sister.

One of his arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her into an embrace. She leaned into his warmth and held on as tight as possible.

After a minute of scilence "Jack." She whispered in a voice lower than a whisper. He pulled away to look at her and what she had to say.

She looked deeply into his eyes and her lips parted before telling him, "I want a life."

Taken over by passion and the sweet moment, Jack crashed his lips against (Y/N)'s, and held her closer to him as much as possible.

Their lips fit exactly like puzzle pieces against each other's as they continued to kiss. "I want a life." She repeated against him while her heart burst with joy.

Eventually they pulled away and shared a grin "I'm assuming you also like me?" He asked gently taking the side of her face with his hand.

She couldn't help but role her eyes a little "Yes." She replied giggling.

His face suddenly fell, as if he forgot something, causing (Y/N) to ask what was wrong. "Please don't leave to Scotland." He begged. "Stay 'ere in London with me."

Her head perked up and Jack realized what that sentence sounded like. "No! Wait- I- I meant that- well not yet- you could-" He took a deep breath "what I meant was for you to stay here and we-" when he saw she was holding back laughter, he gave up.

"Jack." She wrapped her arms around his neck as his fell down to her waist "I understand." She gave the tip of his nose a kiss "You aren't going to lose me so easily, now."

(Y/N) gasped when Jack suddenly twirled her around from pure joy.


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