{Royal Doulton Music Hall}

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Singing fonts:

Mary Poppins




Blue flowers showered all over them. (Y/N) had to let go of Jack's hand since he was taken a back about the fact that they were now in the bowl.

Mary and (Y/N) weren't shocked or surprised by the fact they were in the bowl.

"Wow!" Georgie exclaimed looking down at his white and blue suit.

(Y/N) had a dress that matched Mary Poppins but it was (F/C) in pastel.

"What just happened?" "Where are we?" John and Annabel asked while looking around in amazement.

Jack was standing by a tree branch and tapped it with his nail. It made a clinking sound and he adjusted his coat "Looks like we're in china, so to speak."

It made (Y/N) giggle and Jack smiled at the sight of having cheered her up.

"Over here, everyone." Mary pointed with her umbrella up ahead "The wheel won't fix itself."

They took a few forward and realized that there was hill "Now, tread lightly, this is fine porcelain, and we don't want to chip the glaze." Mary Poppins demonstrated by sliding down with ease.

"Miss?" Jack held his elbow out so (Y/N) could hold as they slid down together.
Terrified of the possibility of falling, (Y/N) held on tight.

When they made it to the base of the hill and turned their heads to look at each other.

Suddenly Jack reached his opposite hand up close to (Y/N)'s face, causing her to suck in a breath. He took out a blue flower that was stuck in her hair and smiled that charming smile. "Thank you." "You're wel-"

Then from behind, "Look out!" The pair moved out of the way right before John and Georgie could knock them down.

Annabel was going to too, but Jack managed to steady her right on time.

"Oh, Georgie, head up and feet beneath you." Mary Poppins told him before turning to his older brother "You too, John." The siblings laughed as they walked over to the driver of the carriage, who's wheel was still broken.

Mary tapped his shoulder "Excuse me, driver, would you help us?" He turned around and gasped a bit "Well, Mary Poppins, is it yourself? And Miss (Y/N)!"

All three of the children's jaws dropped "But he's-" "But you're-" The driver nodded "That's right, I'm Irish."

He leaned over to (Y/N), who stood besides him, and added "I'm also part poodle." He ended it with a wink and bark.

Again the children laughed and (Y/N) giggled while Jack just forced himself to laugh. But it was clear he was upset.

Never in his life did he imagine being jealous of a dog.

"How wonderful to see you, Shamus." Mary turned to (Y/N) who added "Wonderful to meet you as well."

Mary gestured to the crack in the bowl along with the wheel "I'm sorry about this. Now, would you help Jack lift the carriage while the children put the wheel back on?" Shamus fixed his coat and hat "With pleasure!"

(Y/N) jumped over the crack and walked towards the horse. "She's talking to a dog!" Georgie said in disbelief to his brother and sister.

The horse then spoke "Well, of course she can talk." He was gonna blow hair out of his eyes but (Y/N) gently moves it away.

When Jack and Shamus lifted the carriage up and the children slid on the wheel, "Yes. Let's see now, this should do it." Mary Poppins stole a random blue sash that was wrapped around (Y/N)'s wrist and handed her umbrella over. The nanny tied the sash on the wheel to keep it together.

"There we are, shipshape." As she took the umbrella back "Not a bad job at all." Shamus said but his horse wasn't as impressed. "Suppose it'll have to do."

Both women shared a look before turning to the horse and shaking their heads. "And back to the nursery we go." Mary told them, taking charge by stepping ahead.

But the children objected claiming that they wanted a carriage ride. "I wouldn't mind one m'self." Jack added glancing at (Y/N).

"Well, I suppose it wouldn't do any harm." Mary Poppins turned around and looked directly at (Y/N). "Shamus, would you mind?" Mary asked the owner of the carriage. "Not in the least." He replied.

Still staring she asked "Would you like to stay in here or leave?"

Everyone stared in wonder but the eyes of the handsome man standing besides her burned holes.

"All right." She caved in and smiled when Georgie took her by the hand as he cheered. "We're riding in a carriage!"

Unbeknownst to (Y/N) or the kids, Jack and Mary shared a smile and nod. They communicated something to each other that made Jack look at the Banks children's aunt and grin.

"Mind the step, plant yourselves comfy." Shamus told them.

Georgie went to sit besides Shamus in the driver's seat, John sat besides Mary Poppins, and Annabel was between Jack and (Y/N).

When they were all seated, Shamus asked "Now, where would we all like to go on this fine, fine day?"

"The Royal Doulton Music Hall, please." Mary replied in seconds flat. "Where?" "What's that?" John and Georgie asked.

Mary sat up straight and explained "We're on the brink of an adventure, children, don't spoil it with too many questions."

Clyde then began to go and Mary Poppins began to sing.

"In the nursery, you were never by yourself." Clyde's hooves on the porcelain made a clinking noise. "There was quite another world upon your shelf."

"Hold on!" Jack exclaimed as they approached a curve in the bowl.

"Where each day crowds make their way upon the sun's decent, to a mythical, mystical, never quite logistical tent. Yes, in this dilly dynamical simply ceramical Royal Doulton bowl. There's a cuddly and curious, furry and furious animal watering hole."

They passed a mark with a gazebo in the middle and beautiful flower beds surrounding it.

"Where the monkeys and hummingbirds know the tunes and the words, every beast large and small loves the very top drawerable," They passed by a stork family and Jack tipped his hat to them. "Always encorable Royal Doulton Music Hall!"

From the driver's seat Shamus told Mary "Ooh, that one tickled my tail. Nearly there!" He announced at the end.

John stood up from his seat and went up to sit with Georgie as did Annabel. Jack took this opportunity to be besides Mary Poppins to duet but sat in front of (Y/N).

"Yes in this marvellous, mystical, rather sophistical Royal Doulton bowl."

"There's a lot of birds queuing up, a lot of hams chewing up scenery. They swallow whole there are lots of cats tuning strings."

"Nightingales in the wings."

"Waiting for their big drum roll."

"At the simplest sensational," "standing ovational," "Royal Doulton"

Then all together "Music Hall."

"Here we are!" Shamus stopped Clyde in the middle of an empty lot.

"But where's the music hall?" Annabel asked.

At first Maty didn't know what she was talking about. "Oh, yes, that. Silly me." She pulled out her umbrella and began to twirl it around above their heads.

Althought (Y/N) wasn't really impressed by this, she seemed to enjoy the twinkle of pure joy and delight in Jack's eyes.


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