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Funny/sad story: My step dad and mom took me and my sister to watch Mary Poppins Returns for my 15th birthday. (It was raining for a straight week and we couldn't have a party.)

And the day before, I showed my step dad the behind the scene clip of Emily Blunt doing the bathtub slide and he for some reason got super excited.

But in the theater before that scene happened, he had to go to the bathroom and missed it.

Now he still complains about it but enjoys that scene.


(Y/N) went upstairs after putting away the groceries to check on the kids and Mary Poppins.

When she arrived to their nursery, they weren't there. But she did hear water running in the bath.

"Well, in my experience Annabel, the perfect time of day to have a bath is when one needs a wash." (Y/N) leaned against the doorway to supervise.

"Georgie, you will go first."

John grabbed his brother's shoulder to stop him. "We are perfectly capable of drawing our own baths." John told Mary, who was getting towels for them.

"How very helpful, John. In that case, you may turn off the tap. But not yet, still need to put in the bubbles." She placed three towels besides the tub.

"But I don't like soap bubbles." John informed his new nanny. "Well, then you shall have to try to avoid them at all costs." Mary told him in a dramatic voice before walking out the bathroom door, past (Y/N).

She tried to speak to Mary "Mary Poppins, I-" but she apparated away to get her bag.

When she reappeared "(Y/N), if you will allow the children to take a bath without your supervision, that would be spectacular."

Before anything else could be said, Mary walked into the bathroom and slammed the door in (Y/N)'s face.

Annoyed, and already a bit tired of her presence, (Y/N) headed downstairs.

"Michael? Jane?" She stopped by the coat rack and shrugged off her coat "Need any help?"

Jane turned the corner with a stack of papers in her hand. "Aren't you supposed to be at work?" She asked tilting her head to the side.

She took a deep breath "Well...I bumped into my boss on the way and long story short, I need to have an article written and ready by sundown." Jane cringed her neck to sympathize with her.

"Anyways I was hoping to get my mind off that and help you and Michael." They shared a smile "Well help me here. Michael is upstairs getting more boxes while looking." She told her.

The two of them walked into the living room and where the book case was, they searched for the shares certificate.

{10 Minutes Later}

"So, (Y/N)?" She looked up from the large stack of papers in her lap as she sat criss-cross on the floor.

Jane was giving her a teasing smile "What is with you and Jack?"

As hard as it was, (Y/N) pretended that the question didn't effect her and kept a straight face. "Nothing...why do you ask?"

"Oh no reason." Jane waved her hand and went back to looking.

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