{A Cover Is Not The Book}

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Singing fonts:

Mary Poppins Or Anyone Else


Duet or All Together


Now they all stood besides each other watching as animated animals walked inside this enormous tent. When John, Georgie, Jack and Mary walked away to wait in line, Annabel turned to her aunt. "Aunt (Y/N)?"

She looked down at the girl "Yes, dear?" Annabel glanced at the majestic tent in front of them. "How on Earth did she do that?" She asked, surprised by the sight.

(Y/N) rubbed her back "One thing you should know about Mary Poppins, she never explains anything." Annabel gave her a suspicious stare "How do you know so much about Mary Poppins?"

The woman's stomach and heart sank at the question. "Um" She took a deep breath "Your mother and I would hear your father and Aunt Jane talk about her."

Technically it was half true.

Although her niece was a tough nut to convince, it was pretty easy since she just said "Okay." "Come on, child." She took her by the hand and they caught up with Mary.

"What happened?" Jack asked when she got back.

"Just answering a quick question from Annabel is all." She replied simply.

He gently grabbed her by the elbow "I got a question, actually." She unknowingly began to pick her nails again "And it is?"

"Why didn't you sing?" He asked.

Without any hesitation or thought, she responded "Well, I don't think I'm the best singer." She blushed and looked away "Unlike you."

Jack wasn't even able to process the compliment due to how (Y/N) just spoke down on herself. "It's hard to imagine that such a fine lady as yourself doesn't believe that she can do anything."

Those words almost moved (Y/N) to tears but he couldn't know that. Instead she just gave him a big toothy smile "Thank you."

"Get tickets while you can for the one-night only!" The vendor, who was a wolf shouted "One and only- Mary Poppins!" He glanced "And (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?!" He tipped his hat "What an honor it is to have you two ladies join us this evening."

In unison both said "Thank you."

As the wolf spoke, (Y/N) looked around and finally realized just how much of an extraordinary witch Mary Poppins was.

She created an entire world out of a picture as simple as a man on his carriage in a bowl. All of this around them was here for a purpose to teach the children a lesson, but what?

Her mind was brought back to reality when she noticed that Jack was holding out his arm for her. "Shall we go?"

(Y/N) nodded her head yes before gladly sliding her arm into his and walked along side him.

The seats they got were in the front row but Jack didn't stop.

Instead he brought her to the wings of the stage "Wait until I signal you in." He whispered before the flamingos finished their set.

{Magical Life} {READER X JACK}Where stories live. Discover now