{Turning Back Time}

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Around 11:50, (Y/N) finished helping everyone pack and headed outside with only her small bag and a random box.

In the moving van was Jack and the other leeries, who just finished checking the last box for the shares.

When they heard heel steps, all stopped and stared at her.

"Here, let me help you." Jack ran up to her and quickly grabbed the box before winking.

"Thank you." She looked back at the van "All of you." She added before Jane rushed out the door.

"Any luck?"

Jack solemnly shook his head at them "We can look through everything again if you like." Jane sighed but told them "No. No, there's no point." She looked up at Big Ben "It's nearly midnight."

(Y/N) rubbed her shoulder in comfort which made Jane crack a smile "We tried our best but thank you, Jack, so much. And thanks to all your friends for helping us. Thank you." She told them.

Being modest, the leeries and Jack just said thank you. "Anything for you." He said to (Y/N) who blushed and grinned.

Jane pointed to the house "We'll be out in a moment." (Y/N) followed but not before blowing a kiss to Jack, in which he took from the air and placed it over his heart.

Both Banks siblings headed into the dinning room and (Y/N) stood by the stairs to greet the children as they ran down.

"The children have packed the last of their things themselves." Mary told them.

Michael and Jane walked into the entry way to be with the rest "Well done, everyone. All right,  " He looked to Georgie "have you got Gillie?"

Georgie gestured to his brief case "Yes, father." "Good, good."

Ellen walked out the kitchen and was wobbling with her walk so (Y/N) took one bag. "Never could figure out that stove."

They all chuckled as she lightened the mood "All right, well" Michael looked back at his sister "we've spent every last moment that we can here."

He met all of their sad stares "It's time to say goodbye." He looked up at the roof to avoid them before saying loudly "Goodbye, old friend!"

All Together they also said "Goodbye, old friend!" Before walking out.

When they did, all of their neighbors were there on the sidewalk "Hello, Willoughby." "Miss Lark. Admiral."

Michael and Jane were stunned by the sight. "What are you all doing here so late?"

"We've been waitin' to see you off, sir." "We'd be here no matter what the hour." Two of them said.

Miss Lark then offered "If you or your family should ever need a place to stay" She looked down at her adorable little dog "Willoughby and I would be happy for the company."

Michael smiled at how Georgie pet the dog "That's very kind of you, Miss Lark. Jane's offered to put us up in her flat, at least for the time being."

Jane interrupted him "No, forever, for as long as you'd like." She turned to Ellen and (Y/N) "I wish you'd come with us, Ellen, (Y/N)."

Both shook their heads "Oh, don't you worry about me. I got a nice room fixed up at my sister's."

Then all eyes turned to the other woman "I got a friend who was more than willing to let me stay there." She sighed "Sure, I will need to deal with a nasty second Wednesday every month, but it will be fun." She winked at the kids who giggled.

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