Undeck The Halls - CB {Christmas Special}

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{ plot - Corbyn cancels Christmas!
Inspired by an episode of Modern Family }

{ plot - Corbyn cancels Christmas! Inspired by an episode of Modern Family } —————————————————————🎄🚬💞

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Your POV:

Corbyn and I have been together for 18 years, married for 16 and we have three beautiful children.
Louella, our oldest, is 15 and she's very fun and creative.
Eloise, our middle daughter, is 13 and she's super smart and sweet.
And, Hunter, our baby, is 10 and he's so excitable and caring.
Corbyn and I have our parenting strategies just like any other parent couple, he's the good cop and I'm the bad cop but yesterday that didn't work out for us.
It all started when I sat on the sofa for my morning cup of coffee.
I grabbed the tv remote from the side and then I noticed a circular burnt hole on the armchair of the sofa.
"Kids, come here!" I shouted.
The three of them came running in, Corbyn behind them.
"Which one of you was smoking?" I ask irrationally.
They all mumble and look at one another with beady eyes.
"There's a cigarette hole in the sofa so which one of you was smoking?" I ask again.
"Well, it's not me," Corbyn states.
"I know love."
"Kids, were one of you really smoking?" Corbyn asks, disappointed.
"Dad, you know I wouldn't," Eloise says sweetly.
"Lou?" he asks.
"Me?!" she questions in shock.
"Maybe it was Hunter, playing with matchsticks again," she points out.
"Not it wasn't!" he says irrationally.
Then, the three of them start to argue.
I nudge Corbyn's arm and whisper "say something."
"Enough!" he shouts and the three children turn to him sheepishly.
"If no-one comes forward I'll, I'll"
Everyone quietly waits for his response.
"I'll cancel Christmas."
"What?!" Louella states.
"You can't do that," Eloise says.
"I can."
"But dad-" Hunter begins.
"If no-one comes forward in the next three seconds there will be no Christmas," he states clearly.
He counts from three and no-one confesses.
It's nothing but silence.
He grabs the tree and pulls it out of the room.
Everyone gasps, including me.
Corbyn has always struggled to give the kids consequences when they were in the wrong, he always felt too bad.
I had a chat with him the other day about it and now he hasn't taken it too far.

{In the kitchen}
"Cancelling Christmas really?"
"What? I thought you wanted me to be more firm with them?" he asks innocently.
I shake my head.
"Are we really the parents that cancelled Christmas?" I sigh.
"We're going to be in the news for years to come, I can see it now, 'parents go insane and cancel Christmas'," I say dramatically.
"We raised our kids right, whoever did it will confess," he reassures me and puts his hand on my shoulder.
"And if not, the other two will rat them out," he shrugs.
"Mum, dad?" Hunter softly speaks as he enters the kitchen.
Corbyn gives me a 'I told you so' glance.
The two girls walk behind him.
"What is it buddy?"
"It was me, I was trying a magic trick with a lighter and I accidentally burnt the sofa, I'm so sorry," he explains as he faces the floor.
Without saying anything, Corbyn rushes to the backyard, "mum you got this one."
"Hunter, you know you're not allowed to play with lighters or matchsticks or anything flammable for that matter, now go to your room."
"But-" he speaks.
"No buts, you have to be punished," I state softly.
"Eloise?" he asks.
"Eloise can see you in a bit," I say as I try to guide out of the room.
"Lou?" he asks but she shakes her head.
He stops.
"I take it back."
"The girls were supposed to apologise too and you would be proud of us," he explains.
My mouth opens and drops.
"You can't believe anything he says," says Eloise.
They begin to argue again as Corbyn walks whilst dragging the Christmas tree.
"No-one did it again?" he asks and I nod.

A few hours later.
"Maybe we should just give up," Corbyn states.
I look up to him as I lay on his chest.
"And have the kids never take anything we say seriously again?" I ask but he doesn't answer.
"Maybe us sacrificing our power to give them Christmas will make them realise what such good parents we are and confess," he says.
"I don't know if that makes sense but it's what we're going with," I say.
"Mum, dad?" Eloise walks in quietly.
"Yeah?" we both look up and say.
"I did it."
I look at Corbyn confused and he does the same before looking back to hear her explanation.
"I wanted to try a cigarette like some kids at school and I accidentally dropped it on the sofa," she says sheepishly.
"I'm so sorry, please don't take everyone's Christmas away. You can take mine but not theirs, please she begs.
"El, you know how bad smoking is for you," I say.
"You'll have to be grounded and please don't do it again," states Corbyn.
I stand up and grab her hands.
"But, I am proud of you for admitting it and for being selfless with your siblings."
She smiles.
"Does that mean Christmas is back on?" she asks excitedly.
We both turn to gave Corbyn but he is gone.
One minute later and he runs in with the Christmas tree.

The next morning, we were all sat on the sofa, watching a Christmas movie whilst I noticed a bright light shinning onto the sofa.
Then, I notice smoke.
I walk up to the tree to see the reflection coming from our glass Christmas bauble.
"It's the Christmas bauble that made the burn mark!" I say.
"I told you we didn't do it," says Louella.
"El?" Corbyn asks.
She shrugs, "I wanted us all to celebrate Christmas."
"You're so sweet," I say whilst I hug her proudly.
"Everyone come here," I say.
A family group hug, it doesn't get better than that.
A/N: thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed!
And, I hope you're all enjoying the holidays, I have become an elf with all the wrapping I've been doing :)

Published: 9th December 2021

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