Secret Santa - CB

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December 23rd

Corbyn's POV:

Today the guys are coming over to mine and
y/n's house to spend the evening eating Christmas food and exchanging gifts for our secret santa, before we say goodbye for a week as the boys are going to visit their families. This year as a band we have worked very hard on our music so we all deserve a nice break over Christmas. Myself and y/n are heading to my mum's house tomorrow for Christmas but until then we are hosting a festive evening here for ourselves and the guys.

Yesterday myself and y/n went to the store to get lots of food and y/n is currently preparing it in the kitchen.


Your POV:

"Hey, need some help?" Corbyn asks as he comes into the kitchen and wraps his arms around my body from behind. "Could you pass me the salt, please", "sure thing."
"Have you messaged the guys today?" I ask him, taking the salt.  "Yeah, in the group chat and we agreed for them to come over at 5pm."
"Okay, I'm almost done. Could you get the plates and cutlery out, please" I ask and Corbyn does so.

We start to dish out the food on the table in a buffet style. "Don't forget the cupcakes you made, they're in the fridge" I shout from the dining room. "Oh yes!" Corbyn replies from the kitchen. He grabs them and puts them out on the table. "I love your cupcakes, I can't wait to have one!" I say in excitement. Corbyn smiles, "all this looks delicious too" he says looking over the table full of food.

Different POV:

The doorbell rings and yourself and Corbyn go to open it and are greeted by all the boys. "Hey guys" you say before letting them in.
"Look at all those presents!" Corbyn says. "I'll take those and put them under the tree." "I don't know if I trust you, Corbyn" Jack jokes and we all laugh.
Each boy comes in and you all hug one another before walking into the dining room.
"This smells so good, y/n!" Jonah says as he admires the food on the table. "Hey, I helped too! I made the cupcakes" Corbyn says almost childlike, you laugh and place your hand on his shoulder. "Yes, Corbyn's famous cupcakes!" Zach says excitedly. "Sit down guys" you say and sit in between Corbyn and Daniel, opposite Jonah and Zach whilst Jack is on the end, next to Corbyn.

You all begin to eat enthusiastically. "Are you excited to go home guys?" You ask. "Yes!" They all reply in unison. "What's your plans?" Corbyn asks. "Well, Tyler is hosting Christmas at his house this year so that should be interesting" Daniel says and we all laugh. "I can't wait to be out in the snow again" Jonah says with a big smile on his face. "I've bought Ryan and Reese scooters so I can't wait to give them those but my parents might kill me if they start riding in the house." "Are you sure you didn't buy them for yourself, Zach?" You question and everybody laughs. "I might have a little ride" Zach shyly says and grins. "It's Lav's first Christmas so me and my family are going out to Hawaii to be with her and I can't wait to experience Christmas with her" Jack says and everyone awes. "How is she?" Corbyn asks. "She's good, very excited for Santa to come" Jack replies and everyone awes again.
"How about you two?" Daniel asks referring to yourself and Corbyn. "Well, last year we spent Christmas with my family so this year we are spending Christmas with Corbyn's, which I'm very excited for" you say and look at Corbyn with a big smile. "Me too. And all my family are excited too, they haven't stopped talking about it. Ashley is especially excited to have y/n around because in her own words "it will be nice to have another girl to hang out with"." "Aww I can't wait to hang out with a girl for a change too" you reply. "Oh thanks" Jack says sarcastically and everyone laughs. "You know what I mean."

Everyone finishes eating. "I'm stuffed!" Zach says, sitting back in his chair. "That was delicious, thanks guys!" Jonah says. "Yes!" the others agree. "You're welcome" you and Corbyn reply as you are holding hands under the table.

"I think it's gift time!" Jack says before getting up to bring in the gifts from under the tree.
Jack hands out the gifts to each of you that you bought.  "Can I go first?!" Zach asks excitedly. "Okay, I got Zach" Jack says as he hands him his gift. "Fortnite!" "Yeah, I know you broke your disk on tour so I got you a new one, but you have to play with me whenever I want" Jack says. "Obviously" Zach says in a duh tone. "Thank you!"
"I guess I'll give Jack's next" Jonah says and hands him his gift. "Wow these are so cool!" Jack says as he excitedly opens a pair of sneakers. "Do you like them?" "Yes, thanks man!" "Of course."
"I got you Jonah" you say and hand him his gift. "She's been very excited to give you this" Corbyn says and turns to smile at you as you're sat there full of excitement. Jonah enthusiastically opens his gift to see the first Harry Potter book. "Open it!" You say. Jonah opens the first page and sees that it's signed by the cast of the film. "Omg, no way! How?" Jonah questions. "Remember I went to Harry Potter studios a little while back with my friend... well I was gutted you couldn't go because I know you would have loved it but, luckily they were selling books signed by the cast so I got you one. It's been killing me to keep it until now" you say and giggle. "Thank you so much y/n, I love it!" "You're very welcome!"
You and Jonah are like best friends and you were glad to give him a gift you knew he would love and treasure forever.
Corbyn leaves go of your hand to grab a gift off the floor beside him. "I got you" he says and looks at you. "I should of guessed when you didn't tell me who you got this year" you say and giggle. "Y/n!" Corbyn says and playfully slaps your arm. "I mean..." you try to play it off but all the guys just laugh.
He hands you a small box wrapped surprisingly well with cute, red wrapping paper. You open it to see a black box. You flip open the box and see a beautiful silver ring with an infinity sign on it. You gasp. "It's a promise ring because I promise to love you forever" Corbyn says with the biggest smile on his face, waiting for your approval. "It's beautiful, I love it!" You say and immediately hug Corbyn. He puts it on you, "I love you baby." "I love you too, Corbs" you reply before he leaves a soft kiss on your lips. "Urgh, get a room already" Zach says and Jonah slaps him over the head. You back away from Corbyn and shake your head at Zach, laughing.

All gifts have been handed out and you all head into the living room for a few drinks.

The rest of the evening you spend cuddled up with Corbyn on the sofa by the fireplace and Christmas tree, laughing and just having a good time with your best friends.

"Thank you for having us" Daniel says as everyone is gathered by the front door. "Anytime" you say as Corbyn is hugging you from behind, leaning his chin on your head. "Of course, we love you guys!" Corbyn says and they all reply with "love you both too." "Have a nice Christmas" you say as you and Corbyn wave to them whilst they get in their cars. "And you" Daniel says before driving off. "Bye!" Zach shouts before doing the same. Everyone waves goodbye and are soon gone from the dark street.

Corbyn closes the door and notices you admiring your ring on your finger. He smiles and walks up to you, putting his hands on your waist. "I can't believe you got me this, it must have been really expensive." "I don't care, when I saw it, I thought it was beautiful for my even more beautiful girlfriend." He says as he softly lifts your chin up with his finger. You smile and place a soft kiss on his lips. Both pull away and smile so hard.
"Come on, let's get to bed because we have an early flight to catch tomorrow" Corbyn says as he starts to knock the lights off. "Yes, I'm so excited!" You say before heading upstairs to bed.


AN: I wish I had time to do write more Christmas imagines because even though they can be cringy, I find them super cute!

I hope you enjoyed and are enjoying the holiday season! <3

Published: 29th December 2020

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