[ Chapter 50 ]

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Holly held Riley in the university's bleachers with a proud smile on her face as she watched her baby boy walk across the large stage set up in the middle of the football field.

Colby grabbed his diploma from the university's dean and walked off, going to his seat. In time, another familiar name rang through the stage's speakers.

Not only did Holly and Riley watch in happiness, but Colby smiled with pride. He watched Rebecca fidget with her fingers just before they had called her, and the instant they did, he saw her surprisingly relax.

He watched her walk across gracefully, beaming and as beautiful as ever. She accepted her diploma and walked off, sitting in her assigned seat from across the way.

When she did, Rebecca looked over at Colby, her eyes instantly finding his. Their smiles were one and the same, and they finally knew their hard work had paid off.

They had each watched their friends graduate alongside them as well. Each taking their turn to walk across the stage. Pamela was as giddy as ever, Mercedes turned her head towards them and rolled her eyes when the dean shook her hand, and Ashley just looked plain surprised. Joseph hurried along, hating all eyes on him, and to nobody's surprise, Jonathan made his strut dramatic.

The second the ceremony ended, they arose and walked towards each other before doing anything else. When they made it past the rows of chairs and reached one another, Colby swooped her up into a hug.

"We did it." Rebecca whispered into his ear, before leaning back in his arms and cupping his cheeks to kiss him.

He placed her down and smiled, pulling away and seeing his future in her eyes. "We did it."

"What now?" She laughed, and he slung his arm over her shoulders.

"Time for me to run a company, I guess." He shrugged, walking over to the stands. "What about you? Now that you're finally out of this hellhole we call school?"

Her laughs shook the both of them, "What do you mean? I'm stuck in school for the rest of my life."

"Shit forgot about that part." He chuckled, looking down at her. "That sucks. You could always come help me run a company... I could use a right-hand woman."

Rebecca stopped walking instantly and looked at him with a smile. She went to speak, but the two were quickly surrounded by their respective friends, who had formed one big family.

"Let's get wasted!" Jonathan hugged the both of them from behind.

Colby and Rebecca laughed, "You know, on this one rare occurrence, I think you may have made a good call."

"Already, man?" Joseph interjected, pushing Jonathan off of the two. "You've had that degree for what? Two seconds? And you're already ready to use it as a napkin for your shot spills?"

"Better than using his sleeve." Mercedes rolled her eyes and hugged Rebecca, "Congrats babe."

"Babe?" Jonathan's eyes widened, "Hold up, Lopez. She's stealing your girl."

Joseph shook his head, "Right in front of your eyes too."

"They have known each other longer." Pamela pointed out as she joined in on the mess.

Ashley nodded, "They've got history."

Colby rolled his eyes, "She is not."

"Watch your back. I'm always lurking." Mercedes smirked, kissing Rebecca's cheek.

Jonathan nodded with a grin, "I'm glad we let them hang around. The more bothering Lopez, the better."

"Let us?" Ashley raised an eyebrow. "That's cute... when are y'all gonna realize we let you tag along?"

Jonathan titled his head, "Listen here, princess-"

The next few minutes were filled with bickering and banter back and forth from everyone, and they wouldn't have it any other way.

Eventually, Rebecca and Colby parted ways from them, agreeing to hang out after they checked in with his family.

"It's always the opposites, huh?" He spoke up, spotting his mother and daughter talking in the stands.

Rebecca held his hand as they trekked forward. "What do you mean?"

"Well, typically English and math are looked at as opposites." He shrugged, "And in the movies, it's always the jock and the nerd."

"I don't remember watching a movie where the jock gets squashed, and the nerd has to babysit him." She smiled, gently bumping into his side.

"You're the worst." He rolled his eyes, "My point is, in the end, it's always the opposites that attract and end up together."

Rebecca nodded, "Then I guess you asking for help paid off."

Colby scoffed, "You needed it too. You're just too stubborn. Your boyfriend would agree."

She smiled, "That wouldn't bother him in the slightest. Just one of his many pluses."

"Oh yeah?" He questioned, "What are his others?"

"Well..." She started, "My boyfriend already owns his own company, has an adorable daughter, and got his degree."

Colby nodded, "Damn, I don't know if I can compete."

"You don't need to." She looked up at him, "You've got that and more."

He paused, seeing his mother and daughter growing near. "More?"

"More." Rebecca nodded confidently, "You can do math."

He laughed and shook his head before Holly and Riley walked up to them, both cheering. "Congratulations!"

After some small talk with them, Riley and Holly headed out to eat and spend some time together, leaving Rebecca and Colby alone. They walked up the bleachers and simply enjoyed each other's presence and simple conversation.

They sat on the stands, gown and all, staring out at the field. The sun had just begun to set, and the two had all the time in the world. Rebecca placed her head on Colby's shoulder, and he kissed the top of her head, wrapping his arm around her.

For the first time in forever, nothing else was pestering them in the back of their minds. There were no distractions, no jobs, no people around, and no schoolwork.

The wind was silent, no birds were chirping, and everything was still.

There was just her and him.

Always the Opposites {Brollins}Where stories live. Discover now